The Last Ship


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
It reminded me of the Stargate joke episode (200?) where they are trying to think of TV show ideas and they do one scene where there is a huge army and no way to escape, then they cut to them returning to base through the portal and saying "Man, I can't believe that plan worked!" and they don't actually say what the plan is/how they escaped ;P


And another thing is I inherently don't trust the president just because of the actor. He's played a sleaze ball in Mad Men and Homeland. Don't trust him here either.


> Than U
I totally thought he was the one broadcasting using the ship and the laptop all along. Was shocked when it was the oil rig.
I think that was a intentional misdirect though between him holding the secret memory stick he had in his pocket a few episodes back + Tex aiming the signal detector out towards the ship which ended up being the oil rig instead.
Still wouldn't surprise me if he was still in on it somehow.


I think the President is legit.

This last episode felt like filler though. The beach scene was terrible. These people don't have power but their cells are all charged and on all the time? Like WTF? These people are all treating your wounds and you suddenly turn on them? That's not how it all works in real life.

The captain has her bag but doesn't inspect it for whatever was important in there? Looking through her wallet was cool though.


> Than U
First 4 seasons ( not sure why 5th isn't ) is on HBO Max now.
This was decent but spread over 4 years and with commercials made it tedious to watch. Now ad free uncut in HD for those with HBO Max. Enjoying rewatching it all.