The Legend of Conan-2014 Arnold Returns!



Not alot is known yet about this.

However Arnold has signed wants to do few of these.
He said he wants to make this over the top ala 300, Sparactus,Expendables etc.

They will be skiping the last conan as farr as timeline goes, think he said the Orginal sequel's as well.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
Interesting, Interesting. The Original movie had some very good film-making.

I think there's some chance for an angle where it's an old, yet tough as nails Conan. In that I mean I hope he doesn't try to play a younger man.

There's a scene in one of the 2 Conan movies he made back in the day (can't remember which), where they gave a glimpse of his future, sitting on a throne as a older man, bearded I think. Perhaps that's the Conan he could play now.


Musty Nester
That's how both of them end. "But that... is another story."

It's epic conan. If they put Arnold in a Conan movie, that's what they have to do. They have to have him playing old King Conan and make the new movies about Son of Conan. There are stories where Conan actually did have a son. And they might try that, but they'll flop as hard as young indian jones flopped.

They already tried to kickstart a new Conan and it flopped. I'm sure that's why they're bringing Arnold back into the movie. One last Conan movie.

Make it count, fucknuts. And if you don't... THEN TO HELL WITH YOU.
Ahnold never looked like R E Howard's Conan and played him like a punch drunk NFL lineman instead of the acrobatic swashbuckling berserker he is. Nothing good can come of this film.

Better off rebooting with Manu Bennett as the lead.



Musty Nester
Give him blue contacts and keep him from getting too tanned and I'd buy him as Conan


<Bronze Donator>
Any story conan had children in was some bullshit L Sprague De Chump pastiche bullshit.


Interestingly, reading the stories, while Conan was the main character and impressive, in a way he was a device to reflect the world around him. While he was interesting, the story's appeal really largely felt like the world, more than himself.

Tower and the Elephant, for example, the most interesting thing was the "Elephant", not Conan. If that makes sense. But anyways...

Too old.


Cannes lol
Cannes is first and foremost a film market. You have a couple dozen films in the main selections (competition and 'un certain regard'), several screenings of 'out of competition' movies, several restored classics, a couple of selections of a dozen film that take place during the festival but are managed by separate entities (Directors' Fortnight, International Critics' Week), but then you have hundreds of movies showed in the countless screens of the film market, that are there to be seen by distributors (and press and selection team of other festivals) and probably hundreds more that only exist as projects that are getting pitched at potential distributors, publishers, etc. Think Argo. The above picture could very well be the cover of the PR kit they made for Cannes' market which, incidentally takes place these days.


Directors also re-edit movies based on closed screens from Cannes based off reactions, as the test screens you can get there are usually some of the best audiences to do that with.


Directors also re-edit movies based on closed screens from Cannes based off reactions, as the test screens you can get there are usually some of the best audiences to do that with.
Sometimes films are selected for the competition based on unfinished material and the director and editor have to rush to have a finished product to show at the festival. A cut that, in some cases, will never be shown elsewhere (creating legends of movies reborn or destroyed by the post-Cannes re-editing). Not too sure about the market screenings being so good as tests though as the buyers tend to decide within 15 min if they need to go check something else or jump on their phone to get in touch with their people or the film's people.

It's also a great place to find a lot of hookers and cocaine.
I have no first hand experience of that, but the french porn industry had its annual price ceremony (Hot D'Or) in Cannes during the festival and they famously threw a party on a yacht afterward. That was the hottest ticket in town on that night! You can tell I lost touch by the fact I was surprised when Wikipedia told be that 2001 was the last year the ceremony took place in Cannes!


Molten Core Raider
Pretty much every time I'm browsing the latest TV torrents that are available, whenever I see Conan on the list I think, holy shit. Someone made a tv series of conan. I must watch it since it has the potential to be so awesome and can't wait to see what it's like.

Then I realise it's the conan obrien show 8(


Trakanon Raider
An almost 70-year-old Conan?
if arnold had kept in shape like stallone did i'd buy into an older conan. kind of like beowulf at the end of that story when he goes out in a blaze of glory by killing the dragon. however, going by the crappy budweiser commercial that he did for the super bowl, arnold looks like he's at least 40 pounds overweight (and not in a muscular, steroid kind of way).