Damn was I happy to see a new episode magicians on my DVR. Hadn't been watching much TV lately, so I had no idea this was coming back this last week. This is, by far, my favorite show on TV right now and the new season is off to a promising start.
Marina doing some 'high level' magic was nice, but also hilarious when she still failed. Like.. Dean Fogg still better than you, bitch,

Sure, he was powered up by the Library and extra magic, but still.. Also, who wants to bet the author of that comic is gonna be someone we know already? Possibly even Dean Fogg himself? Maybe he used those stories as a way for them to eventually find him again so he can undo it all. Maybe, maybe not, but I think he's playing the long con with the Library so it would make sense if he set it up that way.
I will say I'm still a little frustrated at this enemy, though. It was setup as something the 'Gods' were all afraid of, but so far they haven't explained why. Jumping bodies is powerful, but other then that, I'm not getting the 'this thing can fuck up gods' power level from it.