The Magicians


Trakanon Raider
The moth guy did hand signs too, he just did multiple ones very rapidly to suggest he was a master. I'm sure certain magic doesn't require it, but it helps if you don't have some other focus for the energy.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I personally like the complex hand movements and rituals...makes it seem like magic is more complex than pointing a wand and saying some random word. Gives it more of a mathematical feel.

Also, they don't erase hedgewitch memories specifically. They erase the memories of folks who visit the school and can't stay there for whatever reason. It just so happens most of those folks end up becoming hedgewitches.


Vyemm Raider
I really dig this show, i keep checking to see if its coming on every night even its only been a few days since the newest episode was on.


Golden Squire
Yeah, really liking this so far.

I've got no knowledge of the source material but I'm getting a bit of a Dresden files vibe from it and I loves me some Harry Dresden.

I hope it gets a decent run.


Trakanon Raider
Looking forward to the girl who plays Alice to get into an outfit that isn't a sweater top. I had a feeling she's got a ridiculous body and they were trying to 'nerd' her up and hide it, so I googled her and... yep.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Nitpicking, I know. But I love magic systems as well, and this one is pretty lackluster as presented in the show. Maybe the books are better?
In the books, there is a lot of complexity to magic and different levels of it. Some requires finger wiggling, some languages, different variables (phases of the moon, etc.), potions, chanting, etc. It's basically most types of magic seen in fantasy all thrown together, making mastery of any sort of magic difficult - hence the need for Brakebills and why students focus on a specific Discipline.

Also, they don't erase hedgewitch memories specifically. They erase the memories of folks who visit the school and can't stay there for whatever reason. It just so happens most of those folks end up becoming hedgewitches.
Yeah, I think it's more about protecting knowledge of Brakebills than it is knowledge of magic specifically. With magic being as complex as it is, Brakebills isn't terribly concerned with hedgewitches since there really isn't any major threat due to their lack of training and access to spells. I don't recall them breaking into Brakebills in the books (I don't think Marina was even in them), but they do have to go toextremelengths to let them grow beyond the magic that's out in the world - and this week sort of hinted that they are headed in that direction.

Also, I wouldn't say "most" become hedgewitches. It took Julia stabbing herself to remember Brakebills. Most of the people who take the entrance exam just to back to living their life once their memory is wiped.


Marina was not in the books, breaking into the school was not either, and Julia was never excommunicated from the hedgewitches in the book.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Looking forward to the girl who plays Alice to get into an outfit that isn't a sweater top. I had a feeling she's got a ridiculous body and they were trying to 'nerd' her up and hide it, so I googled her and... yep.
Looks like you got your wish tonight lol

That instant Ebola protection ward was a bitch ;p


Trakanon Raider
heh, I kinda chuckled at that scene and thinking about the post I made. 'Did the producers hear my request??'

Episode was solid, ending was a little odd, but I suppose that was the point.


2 Minutes Hate
I binged on this show last night from the SyFy website (first 5 eps). Real solid show. Syfy doing work with The Expanse and now this show.


Tranny Chaser
When I first saw the trailers for this I thought : "Oh christ...Vampire Diaries with magic", but I am very impressed with it. Especially because the main character is so incredibly flawed...hell all of them are very realistic complete fuck-ups but in a way that is rather believable.


Molten Core Raider
Marina doesn't fuck around. That was horror flick level of blood. Alice gettin buff was nice though, and yea, weird as hell ending.


Tranny Chaser
Looks like they are literally flying north since the next episode seems to take place at some sort of arctic magic retreat complete with nutcase. The actors all seem to be on board with the complex hand movements, the stuff Julia was doing seemed like it would have take a lot of practice to get right.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Good character development episode and reveal at the end. I like how the teacher thought the Penny tattoo was dumb and cut it off lol


<Gold Donor>
I alluded to it before, but this episode raised my suspicions even more that this might have been made in the hopes that someone like HBO picked it up instead of Syfy. I counted at least 4 "f*cks" where the * indicates that a tiny, tiny fraction of the word was blanked out, but it almost sounded like the full word anyway if you weren't listening closely. Throw in the inordinately high number of sex scenes (for a TV show, if this were really a magical college the fucking would be even higher), and I'm really hoping there is an unedited version floating around somewhere out there that we might see on bluray or something. Because fuck these girls are hot, even the slutty one that keeps wrecking Penny.

Oh, and while the chicks are always welcome, I really like the show too! I was happy to see them focus on some other aspects of casting spells this episode, so while it wasn't necessarily doing away with the complex finger-waggling, it at least showed that you can cast without some of the elements you learned the spell with if you just focus hard enough. So eventually someone like the hot blonde might be able to cast spells just by thinking about them since she's so good. And of course, since he's the main character, Quentin will have to do something heroic without one or more components of a spell accessible to him, maybe while fending off the big bad.


Molten Core Raider
As long as the season finale has Quentin killing the big bad guy while Eiffel Towering Alice with Penny, I'll be happy.


Unelected Mod
It has been a long time, but I remember being turned off by Quentin in the books (thinking he was an insufferable cunt). Is he better in the tv show?


<Gold Donor>
Not having read the books, I'd say not really, but the rest of the show is good enough to watch around him.


Trakanon Raider
yea.. I kind of want to punch his character in the face. He even admits how much of a insufferable little twit he is in that previous episode when he said something like 'i've wanted magic to be real forever, but now that it is, i'm still miserable. ' no shit, stfu, see a therapist or take some zoloft then. I'd be the Hermione-est of all Hermiones if magic was real. I just can't understand these guys acting like they are so put out by having to learn FUCKING MAGIC.

That said, I also kind of enjoy it with this show because I realize the author was kind of making fun of the fact that this happens in most stories like this. So, when I view it like that, it doesn't bother me as much as it does in other similar fantasy stories. In the real world, it'd be the Alice/Hermione character that would actually be tasked with taking down the bad guy. But, someone actually being good at something because their smart doesn't play well to most people. Instead, it has to be about 'guts' and 'bravery' and somehow you suddenly become the best at something. So, they make the main hero a wimpy moron until he redeems himself. Despite the show's overall arc being pretty predictable, i.e. Quentin is going to become the big hero and defeat the Beast (and/or Jessica if she keeps going down the rabbit hole) with the help of his 3 friends, likely in fillory itself, blah blah, the details are great. It's written as a deconstruction of fantasy, but also with more details filled in that other books tend to skip over, so it just works.


Tranny Chaser
Does NBC / Universal have a premium format channel (aka place where you can show boobs and say fuck) they are aligned with? I suppose they could have thought of this as a straight-to-Hulu series. Maybe they will have an uncut version that appears later on Hulu?