Luke. Will you take, from me, the oath of a Jedi knight?
Slowly, proudly, Luke draws his light saber and activates it, bringing it to the salute. Skywalker does the same. Ben and Minch also raise their sabers, standing by as witnesses.
I, Luke Skywalker…
(Luke repeats after him at suitable intervals)
do swear on my honor, and on the faith of the brotherhood of knights, to use the Force only for good, denying turning always from the Dark Side; dealing in all matters with justice and compassion, to dedicate my life to the cause of freedom, and justice. If I should fail of this vow, my life shall be forfeit, here and hereafter.
The four sabers touch, a kind of ceremonial amen. Then Ben and Skywalker fade back into the mists. Ben’s voice sounds softly, almost as an echo.