How is it not the point? Those are the facts of what happened.
Nothing in the post she was supposedly fired for was either untrue, controversial, or in the slightest bit antisemetic. At no point was she comparing the holocaust to the current cancel culture, but rather talking about the run up that led to it. Shit we can all see with our own eyes.
The real reason she finally got axed is because the chosen people do not like it when anyone muscles in on that sweet sweet holocaust guilt they have been using like a trump card for over a century. They especially do not like it when they are essentially pulling the same shit that was done to them without any trace of remorse or self awareness. And they really do not like it when someone popular, white, and attractive does this. They want that special card all to themselves to play whenever they are about to be called on their bullshit.
But the real controversy here is that unlike the chosen people, conservatives did not create the Weimar depravity and red shirt street violence that they did. The same shit they are doing now with the tranny, alphabet people, religion of peace, reparations, and open borders clown car world they are trying to turn the country into. Not a one of them wants anyone to bring up Weimar because, as Gina said herself, history has been rewritten to obscure the reason that suddenly one day for no reason at all......
And the great irony is old Uncle Walt knew these people for who they were, but now his company is overrun by them and being used to undermine the vary value system he once stood for. And they even had a pedo play him in a biopic to boot. This Gina firing is just the latest in a bunch of victory lapping the woke crowd at the mouse is doing. And I am pretty sure after working for days with a tranny loving TDS guy who whined on set constantly when he is arguably the most replicable part of the show, she basically did the Hollywood version of suicide by mod. I actually respect her for sacking her career for her beliefs. But its not over for her, because she pulled the curtain back on something the string pullers really do not want talked about. She will be banned all over SocMedia an probably sued into poverty. Remember, dead or in chains is all they will settle for.