Uh, its not a rule. Its a single absolutist statement. And exceptions do in fact disprove singular absolutist statements.
Serialization alone doesnt make shows better.
You really don't know anything about the subject and are so far out of your depth it's like you set foot in the shallow end of the swimming pool and capsized like that AT-ST, getting sunk not by plucky villagers but my superior knowledge.
The whole point of serial dramas is they allow story tellers to tell much more detailed stories, no longer constrained by 45minute episode lengths.
Care to list any more episodic structured series to back up your statement because so far you've got one show, one show vs all the serial dramas. I mean fuck, a good portion of why I've kept coming to this site over the years is to browse the TV forum and see what new shows are out in the US and not out in the UK, that's how I found the Game of Thrones pilot lol.
I literally used to stay up until 5am GMT just to grab new episodes of 24 as soon as they hit FTP servers and IRC.
I studied Film at University back in 2004 and when I chose to take "TV drama" as an option all my friends said "you're on a Film degree, why are you studying TV" because idiots TV is better than it's ever been and is the future. Ossoi. Right. Again.
I'll say it again, your argument holds as much weight as social justice warriors that say trans women are valid because some women don't have ovaries therefore trans women are women because they don't have ovaries. Sure, some women don't have ovaries but the overwhelming majority do.
Do episodic shows still exist? Yes
Does the number pale into insignificance next to the number of serial dramas? Yes
Does anyone give a fuck about episodic shows? No
What episodic shows are being discussed on pages 1-2 of this forum right now?