No love for Kate B or Trinity from Matrix?'but shes the best white action girl.'
that honor goes to Milla Jovovich!
So is it a lore break that they do take off their helmets when... in plain sight for dozens of strangers?
That's why it's my favorite movie outside the original trilogy. About 3/4 the way through I realized there was no way this would make sense unless everyone dies. Thought there was no way Disney would let that happen, then damn if they didn't.Everyone dies in Rogue One.
Can we just all enjoy the fact that Mando met two women and wasn't romantically invested in either of them? That's pretty big of Disney to do since literally romances is all their disney movies have been about (up until Mulan, I haven't watched any since probably like 200). I'm always worried they shit up some tough guy loner mercenary with some nonsense romance to a scrappy gal or some shit. Glad they haven't....yet.
I mean if he's never shown anyone his face since he was a child, is he still a virgin? He could have banged her without falling in love with her.
it's not even just star wars fans... it's just people in general. give us something that doesn't berate us for being fans and we'll be happy. it doesn't have to even be objectively good.View attachment 235472
Journalist realizes fans were not bitching just because they would whine about everything, but rather because the recent movies sucked.
I think this has always been the reason I got so annoyed at people (Blue check marks ect) trying to lay the blame on the fans, as if nothing would please them. In reality, Star Wars fans are stupid simple to please. Respect the lore, make interesting characters, have a simple plot that draws on western/knight/serial adventure tropes and you can print money.
This was never complicated. For fuck sake you might not even need the above--just don't show contempt for the material and you'll probably be fine. it speaks VOLUMES that Disney has not been able to do this.
This was easily the worst episode so far but it wasn't bad persay.
I didn't really like the whole Mando saving a settlement thing, I feel like it's more in character to avoid the situation entirely. I get that they're trying to show him soften due to the baby yoda relationship, but it felt a bit OTT to me, that he would go from willing to sell out child to wanting to save a settlement in such a short amount of time.
I didn't really care for the new characters either, they all felt pretty inconsequential or annoying.
It's also annoying me how people are attributing emotion to baby yoda when there is literally none.
that's exactly what anthropomorphism is. we attribute human characteristics and emotions to non-human things. but maybe you're talking about motive? i don't know, i don't think i've seen any of that. care to explain?
i also wonder how much time is passing. they've done nothing to show any passage of time, yet at the end of the episode someone (i don't remember who it was) mentioned that it had been weeks since they chased off the bandits. it would be nice if they showed SOMETHING denoting how long things are taking because otherwise it feels like it's all just been a couple of days. if you look at it from the perspective that mando has been travelling with baby yoda for some time, it makes sense why he'd be softening up a little... but as it is, it just feels like he's throwing out established character traits all willy nilly.
though i guess we've really only seen him take 2 jobs from the guild. one of them was to find some rando bail jumper and the other was directly for the empire that he hates. so maybe him turning on the guild was less about turning on the guild, and more about his distrust for the empire.
Chad bounty Hunter vs. virgin JediI mean if he's never shown anyone his face since he was a child, is he still a virgin? He could have banged her without falling in love with her.
Chad bounty Hunter vs. virgin Jedi
Chad bounty Hunter just fucks with his helmet on.