Okay, so:
I’m not much of a Star Wars fan despite being there for all of it and being age appropriate. I’ve seen the classic movies a couple of times but only a couple of the new ones (from 2000 to present.). Needless to say I’m not a mega fan, I don’t know the storylines or have an intricate knowledge of the creatures, or how they play into each other.
I’ve recently watched several episodes of this with 2 other people who are also not huge SW fanatics. We all think while, amusing at times, and not offensively bad, this feels like a cable TV show from the 90s that was on the WB or something. It seems like it exists solely to market Baby Yoda merchandise. This show isn’t nearly worth the hype it’s getting, which again, I think you can slap Star Wars on a turd and people will still buy it (or Baby Yoda.)
I wonder if perhaps I actually knew more about the SW universe I’d appreciate it more and maybe that’s an element of it, so I can understand how hardcore fans might like it more.