This is where if they hadn't used him in Rebels already Thrawn would be perfect. Not so much for this series because he's a big picture baddy but someone lurking in the background to hear about.
Yeah, he could show up. There are already rumors about Ezra showing up.This is where if they hadn't used him in Rebels already Thrawn would be perfect. Not so much for this series because he's a big picture baddy but someone lurking in the background to hear about.
Yeah, he could show up. There are already rumors about Ezra showing up.
They are also trying to stay away from the big Star Wars original characters. So it makes sense for them to draw from Rebels/Clone Wars.TBH with Filoni and Favreau being the big dicks on set I wouldn't be surprised. It's looking more and more like this will be a live action continuation of what Clone Wars and Rebels started.
Well, Mando isn't a Mandalorian either. They could have taken Boba in after his dad's shaving accident.
the guys over at Carlin Brothers on Youtube have a theory that the round thing from the Crayt Dragon is not an egg, but a pearl, which contains a kyber crystal that with Ashoka's and Baby Yoda's help will create a light saber for Mando to use against Moff Gideon's darksaber. is that possible?
This is where if they hadn't used him in Rebels already Thrawn would be perfect. Not so much for this series because he's a big picture baddy but someone lurking in the background to hear about.
you say that like its a bad thing. i love this show like i loved EQ. which is pretty much saying its the same thing.Mando is playing EQ1: Quest design is shit so he is basically spamming key phrases to random NPCs and hopes he finds the next part of the quest
The plot this season has been "find other Mandos" and the baby is simply the trope excuse to do that. When bigger plots happen it may matter more but they could have generated this exact same search/journey for a dozen different reasons.
Yeaaah... Baby Yoda ain't goin anywhere.They need to move on from the Baby Yoda narrative though, Its been beat to death by now.