The Mandela Effect

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
It's a case of needing to put the 'Luke' into the quote to give context / trigger recognition of what you're referencing.

"I am your Father!"

Doesn't sell the moment unless you can do a really good James Earle Jones voice.


Millie's Staff Member
here are some others i bet people thought died long ago but are still chugging along.
John Astin who played Gomez on the Adams Family in the early 60s, also Samwise from LOTR grandpa.
still alive

Bob Barker from The Price Is Right, Bitch.
still alive

that old lady from "Murder She Wrote", Angela Lansbury back in the 80s
still alive

that dude who produced all those classic tv shows in the 70s, like All In The Family, Jeffersons and Good Times. Norman Lear.
still alive
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<Gold Donor>
Dr. Maureen Robinson in Lost in Space.
Born: June 25, 1925 (age 96 years)


Still alive.
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here are some others i bet people thought died long ago but are still chugging along.
John Astin who played Gomez on the Adams Family in the early 60s, also Samwise from LOTR grandpa.
still alive

Bob Barker from The Price Is Right, Bitch.
still alive

that old lady from "Murder She Wrote", Angela Lansbury back in the 80s
still alive

that dude who produced all those classic tv shows in the 70s, like All In The Family, Jeffersons and Good Times. Norman Lear.
still alive
Holy shit, Bob Barker is 98.
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Ssraeszha Raider
everyone remembers using a Number 2 pencil to wind their cassettes.

Never even heard of that. Would always just use my finger to tighten up a little slack and doubt there was ever a time I felt the need to rewind an entire tape by hand
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<Bronze Donator>
I've written about this before in another thread but I'm 100% convinced this is a thing.

The first example, and there are a few, is fairly minor. I remember the day the trees changed for me. Now I grew up in the country and spent a lot of time in the woods and hunted frequently as a kid. I know the woods well. One day as an adult I went outside and all the tree bark had changed, it was much thicker than it had ever been before. I said something to my wife because I was stunned and she was like, no they've always been that way. No...they ...haven't. At least not in my world. I still can't believe how thick the bark is on some trees here. Maybe my world didn't have woolly rhinos or something. I only learned about them afterwards.

The main example - The high school best friend. When I was in college I worked in an operating room as an orderly. It was good work and paid well. Among our duties was getting patients down from the floor for surgery. On this day the person I was picking up was an infant for a heart transplant. Before any wiseass says anything not every transplant person is on deaths door and if we needed assistance Respiratory etc would meet us there. As I arrived a guy called out my name -Guurn hey Guurn I can't believe it's you! We talked, small talk (I'm good at faking conversation), for about 10 minutes before he realized I had no idea who he was. He informed me that we were best friends through High School, all 4 years, we had a special callout and people used to mistake us for each other and we hung out every day pretty much. He went on but you get the gist. His kid was sick and I didn't want to be an asshole on that day so I pretended the best I could and moved on. After I got home I tried to figure out ways of verifying it. Yep, he had written an entire page in my yearbook, my younger brothers and sisters remembered him, and the one person I still know from high school remembered as well. I don't have a single memory with him in it other than meeting him that day. Not one.

What I do remember is a day at the end of High School when I went to visit my actual best friends. They acted surprised to see me, like we hadn't been friends in a while. It had always confused me until the meeting with my "best friend".
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Trakanon Raider
I've written about this before in another thread but I'm 100% convinced this is a thing.

The first example, and there are a few, is fairly minor. I remember the day the trees changed for me. Now I grew up in the country and spent a lot of time in the woods and hunted frequently as a kid. I know the woods well. One day as an adult I went outside and all the tree bark had changed, it was much thicker than it had ever been before. I said something to my wife because I was stunned and she was like, no they've always been that way. No...they ...haven't. At least not in my world. I still can't believe how thick the bark is on some trees here. Maybe my world didn't have woolly rhinos or something. I only learned about them afterwards.

The main example - The high school best friend. When I was in college I worked in an operating room as an orderly. It was good work and paid well. Among our duties was getting patients down from the floor for surgery. On this day the person I was picking up was an infant for a heart transplant. Before any wiseass says anything not every transplant person is on deaths door and if we needed assistance Respiratory etc would meet us there. As I arrived a guy called out my name -Guurn hey Guurn I can't believe it's you! We talked, small talk (I'm good at faking conversation), for about 10 minutes before he realized I had no idea who he was. He informed me that we were best friends through High School, all 4 years, we had a special callout and people used to mistake us for each other and we hung out every day pretty much. He went on but you get the gist. His kid was sick and I didn't want to be an asshole on that day so I pretended the best I could and moved on. After I got home I tried to figure out ways of verifying it. Yep, he had written an entire page in my yearbook, my younger brothers and sisters remembered him, and the one person I still know from high school remembered as well. I don't have a single memory with him in it other than meeting him that day. Not one.

What I do remember is a day at the end of High School when I went to visit my actual best friends. They acted surprised to see me, like we hadn't been friends in a while. It had always confused me until the meeting with my "best friend".
You're mentally ill.


<Gold Donor>
I've written about this before in another thread but I'm 100% convinced this is a thing.

The first example, and there are a few, is fairly minor. I remember the day the trees changed for me. Now I grew up in the country and spent a lot of time in the woods and hunted frequently as a kid. I know the woods well. One day as an adult I went outside and all the tree bark had changed, it was much thicker than it had ever been before. I said something to my wife because I was stunned and she was like, no they've always been that way. No...they ...haven't. At least not in my world. I still can't believe how thick the bark is on some trees here. Maybe my world didn't have woolly rhinos or something. I only learned about them afterwards.

The main example - The high school best friend. When I was in college I worked in an operating room as an orderly. It was good work and paid well. Among our duties was getting patients down from the floor for surgery. On this day the person I was picking up was an infant for a heart transplant. Before any wiseass says anything not every transplant person is on deaths door and if we needed assistance Respiratory etc would meet us there. As I arrived a guy called out my name -Guurn hey Guurn I can't believe it's you! We talked, small talk (I'm good at faking conversation), for about 10 minutes before he realized I had no idea who he was. He informed me that we were best friends through High School, all 4 years, we had a special callout and people used to mistake us for each other and we hung out every day pretty much. He went on but you get the gist. His kid was sick and I didn't want to be an asshole on that day so I pretended the best I could and moved on. After I got home I tried to figure out ways of verifying it. Yep, he had written an entire page in my yearbook, my younger brothers and sisters remembered him, and the one person I still know from high school remembered as well. I don't have a single memory with him in it other than meeting him that day. Not one.

What I do remember is a day at the end of High School when I went to visit my actual best friends. They acted surprised to see me, like we hadn't been friends in a while. It had always confused me until the meeting with my "best friend".
How many drugs had/have you done? Serious question.
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<Bronze Donator>
How many drugs had/have you done? Serious question.
I've done most of the typical ones that were around in the early 80s other than hard drugs. I only did coke once (didn't like it) and never did downs. Mainly I smoked some pot and did some shrooms. I didn't do any of that until after high school though.


<Gold Donor>
I've done most of the typical ones that were around in the early 80s other than hard drugs. I only did coke once (didn't like it) and never did downs. Mainly I smoked some pot and did some shrooms. I didn't do any of that until after high school though.
Well then, I guess the only thing to do now is to ask if there is anything you remember from your alternate universe that can make us rich.
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Millie's Staff Member
I've done most of the typical ones that were around in the early 80s other than hard drugs. I only did coke once (didn't like it) and never did downs. Mainly I smoked some pot and did some shrooms. I didn't do any of that until after high school though.
tree bark has varying thicknesses depending on the types of trees, some trees like oak have thick bark like crocodile skin, while others like Elm? have paper thin bark you could peel off with your thumbnail. you also may have issues with controlled substances


<Bronze Donator>
tree bark has varying thicknesses depending on the types of trees, some trees like oak have thick bark like crocodile skin, while others like Elm? have paper thin bark you could peel off with your thumbnail. you also may have issues with controlled substances
I haven't done any drugs for coming up on 30 years, I didn't have an issue they were just boring. Tree bark varies, yeah, I'm aware. So basically no one has any explanation other than you fucked up your brain with drugs or a mystery mental illness affected me for a time and left me with some new memory. That's typically what I have heard in the past the few times I've shared this. It's basically what I have concluded about all of these Mandela effect things. No one is really fucked up by them existing, they are just very casually interesting and usually boring just like telling someone about a dream you had. If you could choose to switch timelines or universes you'd have something.


Millie's Staff Member
I haven't done any drugs for coming up on 30 years, I didn't have an issue they were just boring. Tree bark varies, yeah, I'm aware. So basically no one has any explanation other than you fucked up your brain with drugs or a mystery mental illness affected me for a time and left me with some new memory. That's typically what I have heard in the past the few times I've shared this. It's basically what I have concluded about all of these Mandela effect things. No one is really fucked up by them existing, they are just very casually interesting and usually boring just like telling someone about a dream you had. If you could choose to switch timelines or universes you'd have something.
alright then, i dont see any issues, i didnt say you were mental, just that your perception of memory may have been altered due to whatever substances you have partaken of.


<Gold Donor>
Well, I'm not an expert by any means, but there are plenty of things that COULD happen to affect your memories like that. Even a mini-stroke/seizure might alter enough brain chemistry that who knows what might happen. Or a head injury itself, even if you don't think you had one.

A girl I went to elementary school through high school with can't remember most of her school years because she hit her head in a minor fender bender the summer after high school. Not some massive wreck, just hitting her head on the back of the front seat (she was in the back seat) when the driver slammed on the brakes. Didn't lose consciousness, no concussion, no blood or anything. They had no idea anything was wrong with her at all until people started noticing she had no recollection of various things she should have.

The brain is both exceedingly resilient and fragile at the same time. Sometimes the smallest thing will have unknown repercussions. I would suggest, without anything to back up my thoughts, that the more likely explanation is something like this over switching timelines or any other Mandela-effect theories. One requires a fairly simple event, whereas the other requires events we have literally no experience with or understanding of.
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Log Wizard
there is also a minor mandela effect where when we hear that somebody old has died, then we were shocked because we thought they had died years ago. Wilford Brimley for example. Everyone thought he died in the 90s or early 2000s. that comes from him playing a senior citizen in Cocoon and basically every role after that he played an old man. in reality, Brimley had just turned 50 (or maybe younger) when he filmed his scenes for Cocoon. so everyone assumed he was a much older man and he died a long time ago, because he looked in his 70s in that movie, nobody expected him to live to 2020.
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