scariest movie i saw as a kid was probably the shittiest movie made in the 70s. it was called Don't Be Afraid Of The DarkPretty sure Nightmare on Elm Street was my first R rated movie, I was probably like 7 years old at the time. Woke up with nightmares for a week after heh.
God Fire Down Below. What an awful movie. I thinkRegime saw it in the theater. I think that was the last movie I saw him.
I can't recall the first R movie in the theaters but I do remember being a little kid and seeing the Stephen King movie Cat's Eye and it giving me nightmares and shit.
Escape from LA or Starship Troopers I think were the first R's I saw in a theater, but as for TV... fucking 'Congo' gave me nightmares and is the only movie to ever really do so. Murdering silver gorilla's throwing heads at people, god that shit was frightening growing up.
Hearing the name Steven Segal always gives me a half-chubby because it instantly makes me think of Erika Eleniak & her tatas popping out of a cake in "Under Siege".best part of ED was Stephen Segal.
Chucky and The Relic scared the shit out of me when I was growing up, but I remember Congo being scary as hell, too. My mom thought it was hilarious to tell me that we had gorillas in the trees after that movie. She also used to yell "Don't let the ghoulies get your weiner!" when I was in the bathroom, after we saw Ghoulies.
Hearing the name Steven Segal always gives me a half-chubby because it instantly makes me think of Erika Eleniak & her tatas popping out of a cake in "Under Siege".
the upside of 70s and 80s nudity, was the tits. almost all those chicks had real boobies. the downside was the beavers. some chicks had giant bushes and even if they were naked, you didnt see much. a man could get lost in there. i think porn started the hairless trend. just another reason why porn is the best thing in the history of mankind.Pretty sure there was a decent amount of nudity in 80s PG movies; Beastmaster comes immediately to mind. I watched that movie -every- time it came on Showtime or HBO or whatever my parents were paying for. Rip Torn with a fake nose is the height of hilarity. Plus it has the weird dragon/shower curtain people who turn bad guys into soup. Just a great flick.
I take it back, Chuk. 80s was the best decade.
my first-ever horror flick was likely The Thing. Either on cable or vhs. Never been one to get scared by monsters and shit like that.