I agree with you Arkael. I feel discarding the new Opeth is doing a disservice. The musicianship on their records is second to none in my opinion. They are definitely not the band of old and I can see how most would immediately disregard their new music based on that. Look at what happened to Metallica. I also agree that the last Opeth record didn't quite hold my attention, but it's still a great album. I still listen to Still Life and Blackwater Park pretty regularly. The new track is very groovy, but I won't fault anyone who writes them off. The vocals were sort of reminiscent of ICS Vortex of ex-Dimmu/Arcturus to me. Not exactly, but i thought of his vocal style when listening to it. I can't help but think that if they would have added some growls to that track, everyone would be heralding it as the greatest track in recent times. To me, the growl is overdone in today's metal and I enjoy clean vocals a lot more than I used to. Perhaps I'm mellowing in my older age, or maybe i've learned to appreciate it better, but I find melody moves me a lot more than it used to. But sometimes, you just need some Bloodbath in your day.
Enslaved is a band that I believe have filled the spot where Opeth used to sit. They are a progressive/black/viking/death metal or whatever you want to call it band, but to me, they are kings of the progressive metal genre right now. Their albums since Isa have all be outstanding. If you haven't checked them out, go now. Their last album, RIITIIR was great. Lots of growl/screech blackend vocals blended by clean/crisp vocals. And the musicianship is very progressive but heavy.