The Metal Thread


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
It's called the music business for a reason. Money's the only reason shit never gets done. If what he says is true, however, that's exactly the way Guns N Roses went down.

I'm sure it's no sweat off King's brow, since he gets money from publishing for writing the (shitty) songs, and Hanneman obviously gets everything he needs from writing the shit Slayer's known for, although it wouldn't surprise me at all with Jeff being outta the loop if he wasn't involved the decision at all.

Good thing Slayer hasn't done anything relevant for 15+ years, or I'd be annoyed.


Golden Squire
Sadly, Grip Inc's singer passed away so Lombardo can't go back to his "old" band, which was IMO much more interesting than anything Slayer has put out in the last 15, as Cutlery said. Such a fucking monster band, too.



Golden Squire
Unrelated, been on a SA kick lately. Someone on the old boards said it best - I'd pay to hear Robert Lowe sing the fucking phone book. \m/



Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Sadly, Grip Inc's singer passed away so Lombardo can't go back to his "old" band, which was IMO much more interesting than anything Slayer has put out in the last 15, as Cutlery said. Such a fucking monster band, too.
Meh, a guy with Lombardo's skills isn't gonna be wasted. He'll find something, they'll tour less than Slayer did, and he'll be happy.
Never heard Grip, Inc, they sound pretty good. Also, that new Suffocation sounds great. I have a playlist full of metal covers, here is a few of them. Anyone got any more good ones?

Decapitated covering Napalm Death:

Sepultura covering Motorhead, probably way better than the original:

Vader covering Venom:

Hatebreed covering Sepultura. Not a big fan of Hatebreed, but damn this is a good cover imho:

Six Feet Under covering ACDC. His vocals are so sick live:



=( I wish they would replace Kerry instead, it isn't the first time he acts like a total douche. I dont understand tho, why wouldn't Kerry want to change the business model so the band gets more of the income? Maybe it's my engrish failling me.

Julian The Apostate

Vyemm Raider
=( I wish they would replace Kerry instead, it isn't the first time he acts like a total douche. I dont understand tho, why wouldn't Kerry want to change the business model so the band gets more of the income? Maybe it's my engrish failling me.
Reading that article leads me to believe that Kerry was fucking over the band or just the drummer somehow and got pissed when he started getting on the trail to figure it out. 100% speculation though.



Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
=( I wish they would replace Kerry instead, it isn't the first time he acts like a total douche. I dont understand tho, why wouldn't Kerry want to change the business model so the band gets more of the income? Maybe it's my engrish failling me.
Well, unfortunately with Jeff maybe not able to play guitar again (it's been 2 years since he's done more than play AoD on an encore), replacing Kerry is kinda outta the question.

Like I said above, I totally believe Dave on this one. In Slash's book he says G'n'R kinda went the same way. Axl would throw lavish parties every night (with a different theme every night) that the band never attended, and were just for him and all of his rock star wannabe buddies, and he'd expense it out to the tour. When they'd get home, they'd realize they made not a fucking dime off the tour. That was the reason for the name of the "Skin N Bones" tour in the early 90's...they literally had made no money and needed to trim down their expenses to turn a profit touring.

Depending on how they have their publishing set up, it's entirely possible that the lion's share of Slayer's income goes to Jeff and Kerry, with them being the primary songwriters, and then Tom getting a good kickback off of the ones he's written lyrics to. However, Lombardo is the only one with no writing credits off of any of Slayer's material, and if there's not a publishing agreement there where the rest of the band shares royalties off the records (and I have no reason to believe there is, since Dave left the band before and came back), then he is quite literally a hired gun being paid only for his touring time. You could have a situation where 3 guys are living in mansions (I don't know if this is the case or not, but in theory), while Dave is being paid $300 bucks a night to drum on tour, and that's his entire income.

I have every reason to believe Dave's telling the truth on this one, and since the situation benefits the other 3 guys, there's no reason for them to change it. Plenty of guys are willing to play drums for Slayer for $300 a night. Do I agree with it? Fuck no. Bands should know better than to do this kinda shit, but like I said, it's called the musicbusinessfor a reason. It's always about money. If anyone tells you it's not, they're lying.


Trakanon Raider

Saw Russian Circles/BTBAM when they came to town recently and I just don't understand how they got booked with Coheed, no one in the audience was into either of them and it made for an awful show. Last time Russian circles was in town it was 15 at the door for a ticket and it was an amazing show, this time it was 35 in advance and both bands were obviously annoyed with the crowd reaction, didn't stick around for Coheed because I don't like dudes.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Lmfao that Six Feet Under video might be the most pathetic thing I've ever heard.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Six Feet Under is goddamned terrible. Barnes has been a joke for years now.

And dammit Seventh, every time you post a Solitude Aeturnus video I go on a kick. I know what I'll be listening to for the next week.

Also, new Stratovarius is pretty decent.



@ Cutlery: Agreed, your theory makes alot of sense.

One of the most influential DM(rarely someone knows about them tho) albums: