The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot

Free to play title currently in closed beta.
The game breaks into two different phases:

One is a fairly standard action RPG game, where you move your character through castles killing mobs and collecting loot.
The second is where you build your castle, place traps, mobs, and so on.

While the ARPG section of the game doesn't do anything new, I've found that it holds up alright. The main draw of the game for me is building and testing new castle designs. Because this title will be Free to Play, there are of course the standard bullshit mechanics in place. Buiding and upgrading your main structures takes time based on a real clock (but of course the special currency can hurry anything along), your gold and life force mines collect resources at a set rate (like Clash of Clans, or the horrible new Dungeon Keeper mobile title). Other than upgrading or building a new structure, I haven't found anything else locked to a set time. You are free to purchase units, set traps, raid other castles (for gold and life force) as much as you like.

Alienware seems to have an unlimited number of beta keys they are handing out (it restocks pretty frequently) at



Might be worth a look if you enjoyed Dungeon Keeper, and are willing to tolerate a little free to play bullshit.


After watching some of the videos, I thought I was going to enjoy this game. Got into beta a while ago and played it for about 1/2 hour before I had enough. Just not for me.
Admittedly, I probably have less than 2 hours in the game so far. Not enough to give it any kind of review. I just figured that the castle building was interesting enough to scratch an itch for a few people around here.


Molten Core Raider
The game is too frustrating to be worth it. I doubt much has changed since I played it.