The new Gen has started: Where do you stand?


Molten Core Raider
Making quality games has nothing to do with also making hardware. Sega's game issues had nothing to do with leaving the hardware business.

Nintendo can continue to lose their ass in the hardware market if they choose but there is tons more money to be made making cross platform games.
Not true - as I said in another thread, Nintendo is like Apple.

They build the hardware to fit the games they want to make, not the other way around. This includes motion controls, dual screens, etc - new ways to interact with new games they wanted to make. They also adhere to having a console that is profitable by itself or as close as they can get - they don't have a multi-division company like Sony or MS backing their failures, their consoles have to make money. This limits them from competing toe to toe, graphical power wise, with the other two.

This does wonders for their own 1st party games. Nintendo's 1st party games are almost all high quality, well received, and consistently get great review scores.

On the other hand, it hurts their ability to attract 3rd party and multiplatform games. Unless Nintendo moneyhats a publisher/game studio (or saves them from bankruptcy/buys them out) , they aren't going to take the extra effort to develop a 4th version of their multiplat title. This is even more true now that the PS4 and XB1 use the x86 architecture that PC's have been using while the Wii U is still using PowerPC. It's not a huge hurdle but still a hurdle.

If they stopped making their own hardware, not only would it be less profitable (the slight gain from being on 2 platforms vs 1 wouldn't outweigh the loss of 100% profits from their consoles, not to mention licensing), but their games would not be as different and fun. Their games would have to conform to hardware they had no say in creating, which would affect the kind of games they made. The best thing about Nintendo is that they are so different than Sony and MS - completely different experiences.


Yup, sold out everywhere. Guess what will happen on friday when the PS4 releases 1+ million unit in western europe and so on? They will easily more than double their current sales in less than a day, while MS wasn't even capable of having enough stock in only 13 fucking countries.
It'll probably be closer to 3 million total for the PS4 come Friday, since they'll have even more manufactured and shipped for the US as well for Black Friday.


Trakanon Raider
i dunno much about guitar hero, the one i bought sits unopened in the closet and i already traded in my 360. but this looks pretty awesome, might get one and a guitar for christmas. i guess you learn how to play a real guitar with it and can also play GH like stuff? Rocksmith 2014 Edition - PC/Mac (Cable Included): Video Games

who am i kidding i'd never even open it
I love Rocksmith. Having played guitar for over 12 years I find it super fun to learn and jam out on some tunes whenever the mood strikes.

It is, however, very much a teaching tool and not so much an "arcadey" Guitar Hero type of game. There are mini games but they are always just a disguise to help with particular techniques and are hardly fun after multiple plays. As a teacher though, I feel it does a pretty darn good job and for anyone willing to put in the practice likely effective.

There is also a tiny bit of audio lag if played through an hdmi (as opposed to an external suround sound via composite inputs) which kinda makes learning guitar properly impossible.


Trakanon Raider
Looking at the early number, I see the PC data will be a bit shitty because someone already chose both 'own one' and 'upgrade soon' which kinda makes sense considering with PC gaming there is a big gap between the power needed by the games and the power available with high end hardware.
I was going to check both as well, but I ended up just going with "owning one". While the PC upgrade cycle has significantly lengthened, it's still there. My mobo/cpu (Q9550) in my main desktop gaming rig is approaching 5 years old now, but it has a fairly new GPU (680), so it can play current games well enough, but I'm also going to be upgrading the guts of it fairly soon. Generally I'm playing older releases that I bought cheap on Steam, so I don't necessarily feel any huge need to upgrade.

Zero interest in either of the new consoles. Last time around I waited 2-3 years before picking up a PS3. I'll probably go PS4 when I do pick one up, but I'll see how the ecosystems turn out over the next year or two.