I figure he'll be scapegoated/marginally-reasonably terminated, but wonder if they'd go another direction with it. Hard to see them firing someone else though.Its already clear that the one who was fired is Jerry Dantana.
I figure he'll be scapegoated/marginally-reasonably terminated, but wonder if they'd go another direction with it. Hard to see them firing someone else though.Its already clear that the one who was fired is Jerry Dantana.
I remember people losing their shit over Olivia Munn getting a gig in The Newsroom. I guess the girl can act, after all.If I don't get my weekly Sloan Sabbath fix I gets cranky. REALLY cranky.
Same, she looks like she's trying hard going full cyclope.Allison Pill's face scares me sometimes.
It was smart/lucky her part calls for a lot of awkwardness and weird monotone speaking.I remember people losing their shit over Olivia Munn getting a gig in The Newsroom. I guess the girl can act, after all.
It was the same thing with Rob Lowe as Sam Seaborn in the West Wing. They're basically the exact same character, just rerolled. Both of them were pretty unbelievable when I started watching. Sam grew on me around season 2-3 of West Wing. Sloan is growing on me too.My problem with the Olivia Munn character is that, knowing her personality, Sloan's introverted/socially awkward behavior seems really forced and not well acted. It just doesn't seem believable. I understand that she is supposed to be the absent minded super genius, but it just doesn't always work for me.
I found that aspect highly distracting and cliche, especially with her wing man in tow. It started strong with Sloan lying to her bosses, recanting, and appearing rather unapologetic. It was downhill from there. The resolution was boring nonsense. Ultimately, the episode was okay. What was going on with Will, while well acted, was predictable. The ending was a great moment. I did find the episode entertaining. I do think it has merit. I wouldn't call it great, but I don't regret half-watching it.If we want to nit-pick, you could say being sued for assault is probably more damaging in the eyes of your bosses than a sex tape.
Did she lie? I just thought she kept her mouth shut while Charlie and Reese argued about whether or not it was her and whether or not that even mattered. Then she finally spoke up and admitted it was her and explained the story.I found that aspect highly distracting and cliche, especially with her wing man in tow. It started strong with Sloan lying to her bosses, recanting, and appearing rather unapologetic. It was downhill from there. The resolution was boring nonsense. Ultimately, the episode was okay. What was going on with Will, while well acted, was predictable. The ending was a great moment. I did find the episode entertaining. I do think it has merit. I wouldn't call it great, but I don't regret half-watching it.