What. The. Fuck?
Finished Travelers a week or two ago, was on a pretty good Netflix high, so wanted to watch either this or 3%. I saw the first post here saying not to watch the trailer if you didn't want a ton of shit spoiled, so I stopped reading and pretty much just went off the fact that 3% had a Netflix rating of 3.something and The OA was like 4.5+. The OA must be better then, right?? P.S. I don't blame Gravel either, I was sucked in for the first several episodes as well, and if the ending had been even remotely satisfactory I guess I'd probably be ok with it as a whole. Not 4.5/5 though, not even close. The people I blame are the fuckers that rated this fucking show so fucking high! They either didn't finish it and just rated it based on what they watched, or are too dumb to realize they just got mind-raped.
I finished episode 7 last night and should have gone to bed, but the episode ended with her saying, "Now I'll tell you the end of the story" or whatever. So I stayed up later than I should have because I just had to fucking know how it all ended. And at the end, I literally sat there with my mouth open and a "WTF?" in the air. I can't think of another series that has fucked me so hard with the ending. I was let down by Lost, but it at least made some sense and gave some closure. This ending made no sense, gave no closure, and was retarded as fuck. The only reason I would ever watch a second season is to see if they can somehow unfuck what they've done, and more likely to just laugh at how fucking retarded it is.
I could reiterate what everyone else has complained about (Jesus fuck that dancing shit was fucking retarded), but to not just repeat things, I've got one observation that would have, seemingly, made a big fucking difference I would think. In Episode 1: Quest for Internet, when she's doing everything she can to search for Homer, she finally finds him, right? Some video about him coming out of his coma or whatever. (I just went and replayed that scene and yep, his name is fucking Homer Roberts, and the video is from 2007) Yet later on when that dude breaks into her room and finds the Iliad, they act like she made all that shit up. Wouldn't they have found the real fucking Homer in all their internet searching for Hap? They scour the fucking internet for anything even vaguely related to her story, and manage to find that clip of her playing in the subway, so you can't expect me to believe that they never saw that clip of Homer to prove that he is actually a real fucking person. And that he's been fucking missing for 7+ years. Or am I taking fucking crazy pills??
You can tell that they ran out of steam halfway through this series because the first episodes are all 1 hour plus, and the later ones get substantially shorter. In retrospect I guess I should have worried that the star of the show was also the writer too. I have no fucking clue how this ever got made, unless they just showed them ideas for the first few episodes and hand-waved the ending. Of course, that Netflix original movie Coin Heist was an abomination too, so apparently someone at Netflix is just throwing money at literal piles of shit and hoping some of them have diamonds hidden in them.
God I hate this fucking show for fucking me in the ass. And the people that rated it 4 and 5 fucking stars.
EDIT: Oh, I do want to say that there was one shining star in this show, and it was the little girl that played Nina (Prairie) as a young girl. She was awesome. That's the only thing good I can take away from this show.