>300,000 BC: Earth is a paradise beyond
anything you can imagine, there's no disease, no parasitic creatures (ticks, tapeworms etc), trees are a mile high and oxygen is 50% higher than now, etc. Humanity is created by the Anunnaki, "aliens" which have long since left this Earth, by taking apes already existing on earth and modifying their dna to create races of man to use as slaves to mine gold (blacks first, and finally Aryans). Grand Canyon is an ancient strip mine where millions of men women and children were worked to death with no mercy and lived short lives
>20,000 BC: The Anunnaki create a special breed of super Aryans to rule over regular humans in their place, who are 13 feet tall demigods that lived 10000 years and are extremely psychic and intelligent. We know them as Zeus, Poseidon, etc. They are Nephilim. Anunnaki take a back seat and go do something else. Regular Aryans live up to 900 years. Dark races are like animals and live only 50 years.
15,000 BC: Atlantis is at it's peak, a world spanning empire ruled by Zeus, Poseidon, etc. Reptilians and their servants the Grays arrive to our realm, not from space, but from beyond the ice wall from another unthawed realm 30,000 miles away, and begin waging war with the Atlanteans, who at that time are roughly equal in strength.
>15,000 BC: Earth is still a paradise, but now the Grays (who are part fungal lifeforms) begin changing that by unleashing the fungal bioweapon upon Earth which covers the earth in 40ft tall mushrooms that unleashes toxic spores that block out the sun and give all lifeforms cancer, including trees (tree cancer, trees are functionally immortal and only eventually die from fungus), almost all plant life dies and the air turns stale, lifespan is reduced tremendously, Atlanteans begin losing the war solely due to the fungal bioweapon. The spores blocking out the sun is the real cause of the so-called ice age (there was no actual ice age as we are taught, just death spores killing everything, Earth didnt freeze over because the fungal spores were thermogenic). All water was contaminated by fungus and was red and thick and stringy with it. The Atlanteans were able to create one last weapon of their own to fight back against the fungus, nanorobots that today we know as mycophages and bacteriophages, which under a microscope look like robots, and they seek out and kill fungus, and exist in every inch of water and soil in this planet waging the constant war against the fungal bioweapon to this day. the fungal bioweapon and the phages have both mutated over those time creating endless varieties.
By the time the Atlanteans unleashed this last ditch counterweapon it was too late, they were already losing and 70% of all life was wiped out. It took decades for the phages to multiply and keep the fungus at bay. The phages could never fully wipe out the fungus even to this day, it only keeps it 99.99% at bay, fungus is NOT a natural thing that should exist on our planet, the grays put it here to harm us, but over time it has mutated to become less dangerous and proliferant. The fungus is why our Earth is a shadow of the paradise it once was. Fungus consumes the oxygen, lowering the oxygen levels, fungus kills the trees, fungus gives humans and animals all forms of cancer, etc.
>All cancer to this very day is secretly caused by fungus and the elites don't want you to know.
>12,000 BC: Almost all Anunnaki have left Earth except for Marduk who is banished to stay, he is now known as Yahweh, which is one of the "50 names of Marduk", he was a flesh and blood 20ft tall reptilian who ate humans, the sacrifical altar was his literal dinner table and he physically lived in temples around the world, as he traveled. He was not all powerful and did not create the universe, he was not immortal, he died in 4000 BC of old age (he was already extremely old even in 12,000 BC).
>12,000 BC: The Anunnaki see what has happened in their absense and cause a Great Flood wiping out 99.999% of all life. After the flood they take away the old dim sun and replace it with the new sun we know today that is far more harsh than before, emitting much more UV radiation, to help kill off the fungal bioweapon even better. Combined with the phage nanorobots the fungus has been reduced over 99.99%. The new sun literally KILLS Gray Aliens in less than 2 hours of exposure because they are part fungal themselves, so they have no choice but to live under ground (they were "cast into the earth" by "God" as punishment for what happened before the flood). Most Reptilians temporarily flee back to their realm after the Anunnaki genocided all sides.
>After the flood: Humanity is decimated and desperate and a few remaining demigods (giants, nephilim, formerly leaders of humanity and great men) are starving and begin eating the smaller humans and the smaller humans end up having to kill all the giants, even though the giant's genetics are far superior to ours and they live far longer and are better than us in every way. Giants intermix with regular humans and as generations pass they live shorter lives and are of shorter height, lesser intelligence etc. Aryans of today still have the most Demigod blood directly from Zeus/Poseidon/etc but it is miniscule but still enough to have racial superiority directly correlated with how "Aryan" you are.
>4000 BC: Yahweh dies of old age. There are no more gods on Earth, and not a single pureblooded nephilim (demigod), although many individuals still have far more of their blood than today. The Reptilians >Humanity continues to have brief encounters with the grays, who were only the Reptilian's slaves/servants all along, and have almost no free will of their own, and thus have no goals or reason to wage war with humanity, they can no longer visit the surface except at night, their alignment toward humanity is now "neutral" and they stay underground doing their own thing.
>1750 AD: Reptilians return to try to conquer the human realm again. They begin gradually giving us technology until we become what you see today, especially the elites who have technology normal people wouldn't believe. The Reptilians re-enslave the Grays and use them as little lab monkeys in underground bases, the Grays are now unwilling enemies of humanity again. Instead of waging open war against humanity like before, the Reptilians collaborate with our elites to convince our elites to wipe out humanity for them, in exchange for the promise of being made immortal. Elite worldwide human trafficking is primarily to provide food for the Reptilians, who eat humans. Although obviously the elites rape/eat them too. >Jews are very bad, but they're not the top, Reptilians are, Reptilians chose Jews to be in high positions of power because the Jewish race is the most evil race and most likely to want to wipe out humanity, and for this they were chosen by the Reptilians to do just that.