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Do you have a relative or friend that knows bass or normal guitar to just do a beginners check that you've got the basics right.
I was playing for several months before finding a work friend who was quick to spot that I was holding the pick totally wrong. I was holding it like I was pinching it ( thumb and tips of 2 fingers ) - sort of felt right, but once I was shown the standard way to hold it, it made sense.
I don't always buy into there being one "right" way for stuff like this. For sure, TRY it the "right" way, but if something else feels more right to YOU? Don't be afraid to change it up. There is a lot of variation in the way humans are physically built, especially well documented when it comes to hands and wrists. I would be very surprised if, with perfect scientific knowledge, we found out there was one "right" way for all people and all styles of music and all guitars etc etc etc ..