I'm a noob guitar player, but I thought I would post my generic practice routine.
1. Maker's Mark Whisky, straight and splashed into a small glass of ice.
2. Finger and wrist exercises where I just gently roll and stretch everything while watching youtube. I sometimes wrap a light rubber band loosely around my fingers and then try to open up my hand like flower (extensor workout).
3. Tune guitar with a tc electronic polytune pedal. I have been told it is better to just tune the low e string and then use my ear to tune the other strings.
4. Noob Spider Stretchy drill, first position. Good form, first finger first fret .. second finger second fret .. third finger third fret, etc. Keep fingers curved and perpendicular to neck. No metronome, just try and get a clean loud note. Start at 6th string work down to high e then back up. Two to four laps.
5. Scales. Stand, set metronome to 66bpm, tap left foot. Stare out across room (not at guitar or hands) Practice A minor pentatonic .. if I make it down and back four times with absolutely no errors ... I bump metronome up to next setting. (Currently 66, next step is 69bpm)
6. Noodle some open chord progressions GCD, AED, A7E7D7, etc.
7. Either practice hellish chord transitions from F to ... anything or try to crawl through the Counting Crows "Mr. Jones" metronome 60bpm
8. "House of Rising Sun" picking exercise, metronome 60bpm
9. "Manic Depression" - Jimi Hendrix, I use Justin Sandercoe's lesson.
10. Finish with a 12 bar blues riff, no metronome.
11. Might noodle, depends on how sore fingers are.