I've had one Gibson SG in my life, an SG deluxe, and it was the most awkward guitar that I've ever owned. Never really thought about it until now but it was like an unbalanced cooking knife, it just felt really off and top heavy. it sounded awesome and was really bright which ended up working well for more jazz sounding songs but I'm all but positive that's not what i should have been wanting to use that guitar for.
What are your guys' thoughts on the current state of Gibson? I really haven't been compelled to pick one up for a very long time now and, talking with fellow musicians and even some of the guys at my local guitar store, I'm hearing that quality control has taken a sharp nosedive in the past 10 years. Two people, in particular, had always just imagined a Les Paul as a dream instrument but after making enough cash gigging around to afford one they were really disappointed in having to take a factory new guitar next door to the repair shop and, immediately, having it set up for them. I've heard the same complaints about Gretsch and a few of the other big name manufacturers but have been keeping myself to vintage instruments for so long now that I'm out of the loop for how the newer ones are faring. I guess in contrast I'd add that even the 60's guitars that I've bought still sound cherry right out of a ramshackle shipping box so the fact that new Gibsons are buzzing out of the factory seems odd. I've messed around with the high end Fenders, PRS, Jackson, Taylor and Martin right off of the wall at the store and they all sound incredible but new Gretsch and Rickenbacker have sounded like absolute shit. I've never played music that really needed that Gibson guitar to pull off so I'm wondering if you block letter 5150 guys would have some clearer input on the situation?
Additional question; I'm needing to start playing music that requires a block letter 5150 and, possibly, a Gibson (although I do already own my own from the early 90's so I'm sort of set on that front but I think that I'm going Jackson). Any recommendations on good fingering exercises or a good lesson plan for getting more into metal guitar playing? I'm starting to plateau with my current style and my old piano brain is trying to convince my guitar playing brain that precision is key so I'd really like to hear your thoughts on that as well.