here's a piece i wrote a long time ago, directly inspired by King Crimson - "Fracture".... entirely written in whole tone scale, delay set so the repeats fall on the last upbeat of the measure (essentially creating a 7/8 crossed with 4/4 syncopation)
edit -- originally embedded youtube, but just realized in a different thread that BandCamp links can be embedded. this version is way better quality:
note that i am just playing a single guitar with a delay pedal set to 1.3seconds
edit 2 -- man, i used to think this whole album sounded pretty meh, but listening back now to the stuff i recorded 7 years ago, it sounds pretty good. i miss my old Line 6 Spider 2.
whole album queued up from track 1 if anyone is interested
if you listen to only one track, skip forward to track 6, The New Paradigm. metal with delay pedal and weird time signatures... the main riff (starting just after 2:00) is in 27/8