Yeah those repairs are nuts
Some dude on Facebook is sending me an rg7620 body for free. I've already got some 7 string pickups. Id just need to find a neck and edge 7 trem and have a full guitar. It's s good chance to really have a project guitar and try some stuff. Was thinking about stripping it and oiling it like this.
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I watch Rigrundowns from premierguitar and shit like this all day haha, butNoodleface , about amazing luthiers and broken headstocks, this video is porn, I'm amazed at the craft of the dude, the sophistication (the Joe dude), the way he takes his job serious. It has it all.
Dweezel is pretty awesome guy, saw him back in like 91ish. Kinda like the little Fender G-DEC 30 he was sporting for living room amp
They went to Berklee and dropped out, not sure on LabrieAre'nt all the guys from Dream Theatre from some fancy pantsy school. Reason labrie sing like an opera singer ?
Always felt they were a bit sterile
Do you do guitar professionally or anything? Always wonder about Berklee grads.
One of my favorite metal bands is Revocation, which has Dave Davidson who graduated from Berklee. Insane player.
Can’t you just get one of those Volume pedals? Most use them To get the cranked tube amp sound at bedroom volumes.I dunno. Don't really want to spend much on just a practice amp when I have a Fender TDexlue Reverb. But I can't get any combination of amp volume and guitar volume that doesn't start at "pretty loud" and go to obniously lous in the small space I'm in now. Never had the issue before and I've had it for years and years.