The official 'Who is the most racist race' thread


Silver Knight of the Realm
Good point, there's hatred and there is racism. I would rank the dots #1 for hatred without a doubt with my experiences. As for the racism part I'll answer it by comparing my own experiences (I am asian) with how others have treated me in my 30+ years.

Blacks. It doesn't matter if they are ghetto trash or an ivy league graduate it's all the same. A close second are recent generational immigrants from Central and South America. There is a connection here and it is something I've had long conversations with the two groups about. They fucking HATE folks that will come to this country, work 12 hour jobs 6 days a week, have their kids learn the language and integrate, and make something of their lives. The blacks play the race card as to why they are as a culture being held down by the man and the immigrants refuse to embrace the country they've chosen to flee to.
I'll take this even further. It seems there is a group of people of all races in America that want to pretend racism doesn't exist. This group grew up with liberal parents in integrated schools and believe racism will never disappear unless we all stop making a big deal about it. Then we have the other side, the blacks, whites and hispanics from a more recently immigrated generation who never really try to integrate. You know what i'm talking about so i won't elaborate.

The truth is people suck and racism will always exist. I'm more interested in Class racism or caste racism which you see in other countries but never is talked about here in America.
Heck i think the media always brings up the black thing to distract us from the whole 1% debate. In the next few decades i think the discussion of the rich, middle class and poor will overtake any other "racist" discussions.


That bike theft video is flawed. The black kid was obviously an actor, and people were stopping him so they'd look good on camera.

Everyone knows a real black kid would be much better at stealing bikes