The Order: 1886


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I'm going to give it a go tonight. Preordered for $48 through GCU, and Amazon has a buyback for $38ish right now so I went ahead and did it. I have a week to beat it, shouldn't be a problem since it's pretty short with no real replay value
That's good. It's worth about $10 bucks. So you will win.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Played a little so far - unbelievable how gorgeous the visuals are - play is giving me Bioshock vibes.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Played a little so far - unbelievable how gorgeous the visuals are - play is giving me Bioshock vibes.
Yeah but without the cool shit that Bioshock did with the atmosphere. Graphics are one thing and those are good. But the extra attention to detail in Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite are not here in the slightest and that, in my opinion, is what gave the Bioshock series (Save 2 - 2 sucked) the "Holy shit" factor. By that I mean the Beach Boy Barber Shop Quartet, the time warp seeing the Revenge of the Jedi Marquee to the Everybody wants to rule the world Tears for fears song, the old time sound tracks, the wonder and mystery of the entire original landing scheme in Bioshock. Countless other thigns I am missing. None of that is here, and you cannot see it on your own giving you the illusion of free will in the game itself. The game itself is Move through a corridor, shoot, cut scene... move through another corridor, shoot, cut scene. Fuck... With a dry ass storyline and a waste of what was great voice acting.

It's too bad. They just didn't have the talent to take this over the top, or did, and someone make them push this out with a shit ton of cut content. Either way, the beauty of Bioshock was seeing this on your own. I didn't have to stop and watch the Beach Boys Song God Only Knows.... I did it on my own. And sat there in Awe as I watched a couple dance to it on the side. That was fucking awesome.


FPS noob
up to chapter 4 in about 90 mins on normal, its a meh game. some of the visuals are decent, a lot of the inside stuff is too-brown. No way its worth $40+ shoulda been a $20 or $30 episode 1 type of game. The story is not really that interesting so far, all the characters seem kinda retarded and you feel very constricted by everything - linear hallways, nowhere to really explore, and SO MANY GODDAMN DOORS THAT YOU CAN'T OPEN. I think this game breaks new records in how many unopenable doors I have passed by. The game loves to casually mention some new fact in passing every few conversations, so there is a lot of "wait... da fuq he just say?"

gonna finish tonight and trade in, paid $48 for CE and will get $44 at best buy this weekend ($40 + 10% GCU bonus) so $4 for a statue and some other crap isn't too bad, thats about what the game is worth imo. definitely not a console seller or anything sony should be proud of.


Karazhan Raider
What bothers me the most about this game so far is the forced incredibly slow walk in half the areas. Could cut an hour off if it let you jog through those areas.


Karazhan Raider
Honestly this game isn't bad, but it's not great either. I think it is getting unfairly shit on because of the hype and because it's a PS exclusive.

So far it's about a 7/10 for me. Decent enough story, good acting, some fun guns. Cover fighting feels like pretty much all other cover shooters, so it's not innovative but it plays well.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I found this review to be pretty enlightening to the reaction to the game:'The Order: 1886' Reviews Prove Something Is Changing In Videogames - Forbes

I'm finding it worth trudging through, and agree with the article, everything it does is well-refined and polished - but it brings nothing new to the table. Unless you innovate or have an exceptional story things do get panned - and the story isn't anything to write home about thusfar. My "bad game" tolerance is a bit higher than most I'll admit - but I'd agree with Ritley, it's not a bad game - it doesn't deserve 5-6's like it's been getting unless a TON of older reviews need to be revisited and revised.

It used to be that "Good on all the things it tries to do but bringing nothing new to the table" was worth a 7-8. Now it seems cynicism is bleeding in that's forcing it to change - I'm not sure its for the better.

I'd lose track of how many games I've enjoyed that we would've lost if we started throwing everything at all derivative into a pile of chaff. There's what maybe three or four AAA titles that are innovative a year? If even that... (Sure indies tend to be more creative, but they also don't try to craft an entire experience around it - I love the shit out of Darkest Dungeon for example, but it's realistically 20 hrs of content that's nowhere near the quality of a AAA production on many levels. It's an incredible example of a great Indie game though - but as an AAA replacement it wouldn't stand...)


Silver Squire
What percent of the game is:

Actually gameplay moving and not just to the next qte or cut scene (exploring), shooting etc


Qte, movie cut scenes

Tlou did a great job with this. Tomb raider did ok as well. Walking dead being a movie you controlled briefly between the next qte event is not.


FPS noob
i'd say its 60% gameplay, 10% qte, 30% cutscenes. its definitely not as good as TLOU or Tomb Raider in pacing/story/combat, it reminds me a lot of Max Payne 3 honestly (i didn't like it there either)

finished the game this morning, it definitely speeds up past chapter 9 with like... 4 chapters of just cutscenes after that. decent game, but nothing amazing and nothing i'd really recommend. the story was like some fan fiction of a dude who just watched underworld a million times and just came back from a steampunk con. TLOU and the Telltale games do a good job of editing and take out stuff that isn't critical to the story, whereas 1886 just felt like a bunch of random crap was thrown in because it sounds cool.

oh well still trades into best buy for $44 so can't complain but not a game anyone will be talking about a year from now

if you play and wanna play i'd follow one of the item guides so you don't miss anything, i didn't and now i'm just missing 2 trophies for plat and gotta essentially replay the game to collect all the items (and hope its early on)


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Alright I've played the whole thing, and by that I mean I watched a dude on Twitch play the whole thing. Game is getting a lot of heat that is probably overblown, but still sort of justified. It offers absolutely nothing new, the story is a B- at best, it's super linear and definitely not very long. It might as well be a reskin of Gears of War. It's competent and nothing more, and that is starting to really bug people, myself included. I've played Gears of War already, like 3 times, I don't care about 3rd person shooters anymore unless they bring something truly special to the table. That's where a lot of the hate is coming from, people really wanted a true "next-gen" game and all they've gotten so far is gussied up remakes of the same shit we played for the last 7 years.


Karazhan Raider
It's more like 2% QTE, that shit was way overblown. Less QTE than the fucking combat in shadow of mordor, but for some reason people love that

I just finished it, and I would give it a 7.5/10 or so. The story is pretty good, but not great. The combat I thought was actually pretty fun, the guns felt great to shoot and the heavy enemies from the middle to end of the game made it so you couldn't just stand in one spot and pop in and out of cover for the most part

There are a few areas that disappointed me for sure.

First, the game could have been much better with some sort of character skills similar to TLOU (same with weapon skills). Your character is exactly the same at the end as at the beginning.

Second, limiting you to being able to carry just one primary and one secondary weapon pretty much destroyed the fun of using different guns. Should have made it so you can carry at least two of each type, maybe from unlocking a character skill.

Third, there is absolutely no reason to explore. The random knickknacks you find are nonsensical for the most part and add absolutely nothing to the game. The shit you could find in bioshock infinite was pretty cool, and in tlou it was useful and also added to the plot. In this game they do neither.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I agree with your assessment thusfar (I'm not nearly that far in - been busy) - it's bewildering to me that this game is so gorgeous as a barely Y2 game - with the normal progression of "learning the hardware's limits" that happens I can't even visualize it being eclipsed besides on graphic fidelity (besides hair).


FPS noob
haha this comment made me laugh

My gf gifted me The Order for our anniversary yesterday morning.
I gifted her a bouquet of roses.
I've finished the game on hard and the roses are still fresh.

Got the plat and traded the game into Best Buy for $44, disc only as I kept the CE steelbook. The story was definitely a bit weak, and probably the thing that disappointed me the most. Great setting and atmosphere ruined by trying to do too much and leaving too much out for sequels. Stuff like

the vampires were fucking stupid and pointless. You never got to fight one, and I still don't really understand why Werewolves and vampires were working together.
Jesus Christ your character is a psychopath. Huh here's a bunch of people on an airship, LETS MURDER THEM ALL. Here's a bunch of guards, LET ME KILL EM ALL. I like the stealth option was always grabbing someone and stabbing the fuck out of them, hahaha
What the fuck was up with the Blackwater? Its supposed to mean all the Knights were basically half vampires, right? But that doesn't even really make much sense.
Who was Percival meeting? I thought it was the indian chick but I guess people are saying it was King Arthur? da fuq?
I take it the Police Guy was supposed to be Sherlock Holmes, dammit I wanted to hang out with him some more
the Zeppelin level was criminally done, it was all indoor levels not once you got the feeling you were on a fucking zeppelin except at the very beginning when you rappel down (THAT WAS THE SHIT)
for being an order whose main task is fighting Lycans (and vampires?) i killed like 10 Lycans (got the trophy at the verrrry end) and like 500 humans

Mostly the game made me wanna go rewatch Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade and Underworld, and hope for an Underworld TV series

still if they can improve their core issues and make a longer game i'd buy a sequel, its a pretty cool world and setting


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Best Buy has 30% extra on all trade ins right now. Problem is, I can't find this game on the list. Kinda weird.

Oops found it by SKU number, and says they are offering $32 + 30% = $41 and change for trade in, plus 10% for GCU, so still right around $44, as spronk was saying. Sucks when they tank the trade in prices, knowing they are having a bonus deal.


Karazhan Raider
haha this comment made me laugh

My gf gifted me The Order for our anniversary yesterday morning.
I gifted her a bouquet of roses.
I've finished the game on hard and the roses are still fresh.

Got the plat and traded the game into Best Buy for $44, disc only as I kept the CE steelbook. The story was definitely a bit weak, and probably the thing that disappointed me the most. Great setting and atmosphere ruined by trying to do too much and leaving too much out for sequels. Stuff like

the vampires were fucking stupid and pointless. You never got to fight one, and I still don't really understand why Werewolves and vampires were working together.
Jesus Christ your character is a psychopath. Huh here's a bunch of people on an airship, LETS MURDER THEM ALL. Here's a bunch of guards, LET ME KILL EM ALL. I like the stealth option was always grabbing someone and stabbing the fuck out of them, hahaha
What the fuck was up with the Blackwater? Its supposed to mean all the Knights were basically half vampires, right? But that doesn't even really make much sense.
Who was Percival meeting? I thought it was the indian chick but I guess people are saying it was King Arthur? da fuq?
I take it the Police Guy was supposed to be Sherlock Holmes, dammit I wanted to hang out with him some more
the Zeppelin level was criminally done, it was all indoor levels not once you got the feeling you were on a fucking zeppelin except at the very beginning when you rappel down (THAT WAS THE SHIT)
for being an order whose main task is fighting Lycans (and vampires?) i killed like 10 Lycans (got the trophy at the verrrry end) and like 500 humans

Mostly the game made me wanna go rewatch Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade and Underworld, and hope for an Underworld TV series

still if they can improve their core issues and make a longer game i'd buy a sequel, its a pretty cool world and setting
Honestly I thought the story was decent. I agree with pretty much everything you said, but I guess it doesn't bother me as much as you

except the vampire and black water stuff. They definitely needed more explanation on that shit


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
Thought the story was just OK, even though I tried to inspect everything I missed something and didn't get any of the inspect-related achievements so it won't be my first platinum and have no interest replaying the whole thing. Back to Redbox today, hope sequel(s) are better.


I expected it to be terrible but it was the epitome of a 5 out of 10 game for me. It was just bland, and had so much potential. Gunplay was pretty good (except the pistol sound on one that was like a pop-gun) and things like the thermite gun were well envisioned but clumsily implemented, story was no better or worse than Van Helsing, Underworld or Resident Evil and the cutscenes weren't too obnoxious except when they would call a cutscene an entire chapter so they could then say they have 16 chapters. The QTE's weren't that intrusive either, about on par with God of War or Tomb Raider really, so yeah I'd give it a 5 as a mediocre, middle of the road, inoffensive thing to waste some time on if you are bored or have nothing else to play...about what most games sites would call a 7.

On the plus side though, I do like the setting and I liked the combat and characters enough that I look forward to a second game where they learn from the mistakes of this one and improve it without just changing everything to the totally opposite end of the spectrum.....unless that left us with an open world game with essentially a Gears of Batman Arkham feel to it.