The Order: 1886


Blackwing Lair Raider
I hope this is good. I am looking forward to this one but sitting on myself until I get some real world reviews before I plunk money down.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm really hoping it will be solid as well, but remain very skeptical. There is hardly any marketing for it (somewhat rare being a AAA exclusive), haven't seen new gameplay in quite a while. Still day one purchase, just hope it doesn't disappoint.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
I've read two early reviewers that said the game play is clunky and the game just isn't fun. I'll still read consumer reviews, but now I'm leery of it, and definitely won't be a day one purchase for me. Hopefully it ends up being good, I want some next gen games with crazy graphics AND gameplay.


Vyemm Raider
New story trailer looks good, but the lack of hearing much about this game is worrying. Ill wait till reviews come out.



Molten Core Raider
I've been totally warned off buying this as a Day 1 release. All the previews I've heard say that the game is boring, full of clunky quicktime events, or else standard cover-shooter fare. And those are the people who get paid to like early release games! Damn. Not holding out much hope for this.


FPS noob
you can get a free ps4 theme for exploring the 1886 site, its actually cool reading and watching the videos on the backstory
The Order: 1886

i got in on the best buy glitch (CE for $40) last year so I'll be playing, will see if its a QTE-shitfest or a fun game


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
SM studios - it'll no doubt be QTE heavy to some degree - but hopefully not to shitfest levels. (GoW games weren't overboard on QTE for 95% of the game so I could stand them for example)


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
This was the only game I had been planning to buy a PS4 for. If it sucks I don't think I will be getting a PS4.


Karazhan Raider
I'm still excited for it. Seems like most people who have played the demo say the combat is a bit bland, but tbh the combat in TLOU was as well. Everyone is saying it is the most graphically impressive console game to date, so if it has a good story then I will be plenty happy.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Is this shit still letterboxed for the "cinematic" experience? Fucking lazy shitters cutting pixels out of their rendering.


<Silver Donator>
The black line stuff was decided pretty early, but yeah it's most likely more for the FPS shit. Game does look great though in return, so eh.

I watched a few videos of people playing, it looks alright. Has quite a lot of cutscenes(though it was early in the game so could just be story stuff to show the characters and what not) and a bunch of QTE, but most of the combat looked otherwise fairly standard shooting stuff with cover, rolls, multiple weapons with multiple fire modes, so didn't look horrible. Main concern I'd have is the length of the game, it looks like a 6-8hours game which kinda sucks.

I might still get it though cause it's basically 20euros if I buy the bundle, and I need to get a PS4 so it's that or Drive Club and I don't know how much I'd bother with Drive Club.


Trakanon Raider
Is that ply through heavily edited or is the game only 5 hours long?
Think it is unedited, though from the comments ( I just skimmed some chapters ) there are some complaints that the uploader doesn't do much exploring or interactions (notes, talking to npcs, etc). So might be some extra gameplay / missed stuff.

Mechanics in the game seem like what the standard has been for years now. Story followed by combat chokepoint featuring waves of enemies, then story again. Third person combat with a cover system, enemies drop weapons accessible with the standard d-pad menu. Anyone who has played a third person action game in the past decade will be familiar with it.

With the active combat, it appears to have less QTEs than Ryse, but it seems like a very linear story based game suited for rental at best. 16 chapters, and from the videos, chapter 12-13 are 5 minutes each with 99% cut scenes.

I will play it eventually, but not after a substantial price drop or it coming to PS+.


FPS noob
i think some dude did a more normal play through in germany and said its around 12 hours, so not that much longer but long enough I guess? I dunno seems like its gonna be very controversial, guessing some people will enjoy it and some people will feel super ripped off

i definitely don't think its gonna be a console mover, still don't really have one exclusive to next gen which is kinda sad now that its coming up to 15 months past launch. I think Blood borne is gonna be too niche, maybe Uncharted 4 and Halo 5 respectively? All sequels too. Guess theres some new IPs coming out this year hope they fare better than Destiny, Sunset Overdrive, and 1886.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Depends how much additional content comes down the pipe and how much side content/etc.