Golden Baronet of the Realm
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Lazar has been playing this game since the 70s. If he's lying or telling the truth. He had a long time getting his presentation down pat.
That's my thought exactly right now. After he 'went public' he was arrested for starting an illegal brothel. You can't make that up, and I can't help but think it taints his character or at least reveals a major piece of this puzzle. Seriously, who starts a mf'ing illegal brothel in their neighborhood? I think he said his wife cheated on him because hwas gone at such weird hours. I have to think the brothel was far more likely a catalyst to his divorce. The movie I watched on Netflix used it as a point to support his veracity, saying if had "come clean during his trial" that he was lying about the UFO stuff it would have helped him during the trial. But I don't buy that line of reasoning, not particularly anyway. It's equally likely that he was fired for sexual harassment or something else. Say he did sexually harass someone at the lab, and i'm not saying he did, but say he did something of that level, what is the best case scenario for Bob Lazar to just go away while also not spilling any secrets, while also preserving his ability to earn money and stay out of jail?
Here's an equally likely theory I came up with in the last few minutes:
1. Bob committed a serious offense, something akin to Sexual harassment that required he be fired immediately but not necessarily arrested.
2. Bob is obviously a very smart/clever guy, after all he built a frickin' rocket engine into his motorcycle in his garage.
3. Him working at the lab was public record in multiple newspapers. He would have been told however that the government would never vouch for him after he was fired. So he knew private industry would know he worked there, but he felt he desperately needed a plausible excuse for why the government would deny he did work there.
4. If he would tell of any real secrets, he knew he would be arrested. He says himself he took 5 or 6 people to see the aircraft tests at that lake, people without necessary clearances but he didn't get into any serious trouble other than being fired. I call Bullshit. He'd be rotting in prison today unless I'm missing something here.
5. So he devised a cover story for his being fired that accomplished several things.
a) Bob front runs any accusation the government would make. This is important because Bob needs to be able to claim he was a victim of sorts, without having to spill why he was actually fired.
b) It inflates the egos of every scientist and government monkey working at A51. This captured the imagination of the whole world, and I can't imagine anyone at A51 or S4 was anything but in awe of the attention they received. They probably love Bob Lazar more than most of the UFO nuts because he gives them an aura of mystery and intrigue they wouldn't otherwise have. The net effect here is they decided not to prosecute Bob as long as he went away and they believed he would never be a threat. Once you come up with this story, even if he later recanted it and spilled real secrets, by his own admission he was a liar. They would have made sure he didn't steal any physical evidence, but ultimately let him go.
c) It allows Bob to keep earning in private, through books or private companies who don't deal in secrets but need smart people mixing dangerous chemicals and he is certainly smart and capable.
If this 5 minute theory is right, he likely had no clue the chain of events that his story would set in motion or just how big it would get. But from the Netflix movie I watched today, the guy is obviously doing very well for himself. He's easily making six figures or more, and his biggest burden in life seems to be that he he has to deal with a lot of crazies. It's like he won a sort of sci-fi lottery where a lot of weirdo's are attracted to him and he gets scitzo's calling him instead of beggars and crooks.
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