i dunno, car crashes, covid lockdowns, roving looters, civil unrest, lots of reasons why choppers would pop up that doesnt include space aliens.
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i dunno, car crashes, covid lockdowns, roving looters, civil unrest, lots of reasons why choppers would pop up that doesnt include space aliens.
Were there any crop circles??Quiet town goes from no action to constant military chopper sweeps, explosions and other shit.
Ya, guess it's nothing but motorcycle headlights.
Or "Training".
Clearly Something happened or is happening that has the town and the area around the town all upset and amazed.
Yet the military, cops, etc are acting like they have no idea what they're talking about. Which also has the locals pissed off for lack of validation.
Let look at it from another perspective.
Mass hallucinations? Was there a gas leak or something? Does that explain the glowing blue energy ball? A drone with LEDs to fuck with the populace in a psyop?
To what end? Just cause fuck em?
sometimes i see choppers hover over my neighborhood, but i live near the Garden State Parkway and people drive like shit around here, so ET getitng his space car towed away is pretty low on the list of possibilities.Were there any crop circles??
I jest, but what do you think it is? Because I'm with Chuk, I could dream up a thousand non-extraordinary explanations before I went to aliens, or even the NWO testing their anti-grav tech out in the open (in Brazil no less) for some reason. So what are some of your theories? You've already poo-poo'd stuff like gas leaks and such, so tell us where you're leaning.
Drone maybe? Advanced drones? A UAP at the least. Thats what it seems like without going into the UFO angle. Whatever they were chasing and shooting at 1:30 am, waking up the northern Mage area, seems to be something real based on just the eyewitnesses reports when interviewed and the few anonymous military that have spoken out / penned letters to the local news and researcher against the coverup of the incident.Were there any crop circles??
I jest, but what do you think it is? Because I'm with Chuk, I could dream up a thousand non-extraordinary explanations before I went to aliens, or even the NWO testing their anti-grav tech out in the open (in Brazil no less) for some reason. So what are some of your theories? You've already poo-poo'd stuff like gas leaks and such, so tell us where you're leaning.
This may have been a rhetorical question and you didn't really want me to try to answer it, but in case you did:For the sake of argument, if the whole UAP has been nothing more than a psyop since the late 40s...Why?
What is so guarded by them that they required a team of debunkers to work for them all these decades?
Why would the US government and other governments around the world play this game at the expense of peoples lives. You talk about it and you're automatically shunned by friends, family and society is what I mean by that. That shit fucks people up for life. Breaking people down mentally for no reason doesn't make sense unless the people leading this thing are just evil.
i think he means that government agencies have been playing this little game for a long long time. develop some piece of tech. test it out and then release cover stories about space ships and it triggers the yahoos into seeing ET everywhere. isnt it odd that our UFO sightings in the US started with government officals claiming they saw "flying discs" in the sky? then months later what do ya know everyone stars seeing them. in Russia when they started testing for Sputnik they told the locals there were UFOs in the sky and not to look at them. although i dont think Brazil has the capabilities of developing a high tech soccer ball, i guess its possible they might have some fancy new plane nobody knows about.This may have been a rhetorical question and you didn't really want me to try to answer it, but in case you did:
What exactly do you mean by psyop? It sounds to me like you are saying that if it is not actual alien stuff (or us messing around with found/captured alien stuff), which would then indicate that it is simply advanced terrestrial tech that they want to keep hidden, they are somehow engaging in a nefarious scheme that includes hiring debunkers and targeting people expressly to discredit them and ruin their lives. Is that a fair assessment of what you mean by psyop?
If so, I'd first ask why you think any debunking must be attributed to the government. I'm certainly not being paid to debunk stuff, but I still engage in it. I'm sure that plenty of people smarter than me (and more "plugged in" to the military industrial complex) have similar mindsets to mine and hear someone say something about aliens and immediately blurt out, "Uh, no. It could have any of dozens of logical explanations that would have to be definitively ruled out before I even began to entertain the notion of extraterrestrial intelligence." That's not, in and of itself, any kind of concerted effort. It is simply "rational" people arguing against "irrational" people because that's what people do.
Now, I suppose you could say that someone like Bob Lazar is being "targeted" by debunkers, but that's only because he has made a target of himself by repeatedly making extraordinary claims. That's (loosely, go with me here) no different than people "targeting" Vanessa for being a tranny. If she had just mentioned being a tranny and then moved on, except for perhaps a few autists everyone else would have just moved on. But since she made almost every post about being a tranny, people naturally responded to it and some (Hodj) sort of became emotionally invested in calling her out on it every chance he got. That doesn't make Hodj an instrument of the government intent upon ruining her life. It makes Vanessa responsible for drawing extensive attention to herself, and Hodj responsible for taking his obsession to cringe levels. Lazar is exactly the same. If he didn't insist upon his bullshit repeatedly and with obvious intent to capitalize upon it, no one would bother making a career out of calling him on it. But he did, and people do. There's no "psyop" to it at all.
And since I'm sure you'll point out actual government people that do this stuff too, I'd counter with asking what you want them to do. If they know they don't have UFOs sitting in Hangar 18, should they just sit quietly and let people assume that they do and let the hysteria ratchet higher and higher as people use their silence to bolster their arguments? Or, if it is the next generation of Stealth Drone with Nuclear Tip, for example, do you want them to come out and say that's what it is? I'm sure the rest of the world would love to hear about that. I mean, what if Roswell really was a weather balloon? Is it a "psyop" to repeatedly tell people that's what it is? Or is it the people's fault for not buying it and coming up with literally the least likely explanation for it?
The only way I see any of this being a "psyop" is if they truly have alien shit. Which there is still zero actual evidence for. Barring that, it sounds like people telling other people they are crazy, nothing more nefarious than that.
Or I completely misunderstood what you were saying. I often do, so my apologies if so.
When have governments (well ok, the US, I don't give a fuck about anyone else, particularly Cold War Soviet Russia that would lie about anything and everything to control the people) said it was UFOs? I'm not familiar with this incident you refer to as the start of UFO sightings. I thought Roswell was sort of the start? And they claimed weather balloons, right? Even if they said they saw "flying discs" that doesn't mean UFOs. Maybe I'm not up on my Roswell research and missed the part where they tried to make us believe it was something extraterrestrial, without actually saying that?i think he means that government agencies have been playing this little game for a long long time. develop some piece of tech. test it out and then release cover stories about space ships and it triggers the yahoos into seeing ET everywhere. isnt it odd that our UFO sightings in the US started with government officals claiming they saw "flying discs" in the sky? then months later what do ya know everyone stars seeing them. in Russia when they started testing for Sputnik they told the locals there were UFOs in the sky and not to look at them. although i dont think Brazil has the capabilities of developing a high tech soccer ball, i guess its possible they might have some fancy new plane nobody knows about.
In '53 the military threw all unknowns under the banner of UFO.When have governments (well ok, the US, I don't give a fuck about anyone else, particularly Cold War Soviet Russia that would lie about anything and everything to control the people) said it was UFOs? I'm not familiar with this incident you refer to as the start of UFO sightings. I thought Roswell was sort of the start? And they claimed weather balloons, right? Even if they said they saw "flying discs" that doesn't mean UFOs. Maybe I'm not up on my Roswell research and missed the part where they tried to make us believe it was something extraterrestrial, without actually saying that?
It goes more like this: they develop the tech and try to test it secretly, people see it, people ask if it is military or UFOs, the government says it is swamp gas, and since no one believes that, some people believe it is military and too many others believe UFOs. Nowhere in that sequence does anyone in the government officially state that it is a UFO. If people choose to infer that, that's on them, that's not some supersekret psyop.
Before Roswell there was a pilot. I thought he was military. Guess not. But he said he saw stuff skipping along like saucers in the sky. Fake news said he saw flying saucers and it blew up from there.When have governments (well ok, the US, I don't give a fuck about anyone else, particularly Cold War Soviet Russia that would lie about anything and everything to control the people) said it was UFOs? I'm not familiar with this incident you refer to as the start of UFO sightings. I thought Roswell was sort of the start? And they claimed weather balloons, right? Even if they said they saw "flying discs" that doesn't mean UFOs. Maybe I'm not up on my Roswell research and missed the part where they tried to make us believe it was something extraterrestrial, without actually saying that?
It goes more like this: they develop the tech and try to test it secretly, people see it, people ask if it is military or UFOs, the government says it is swamp gas, and since no one believes that, some people believe it is military and too many others believe UFOs. Nowhere in that sequence does anyone in the government officially state that it is a UFO. If people choose to infer that, that's on them, that's not some supersekret psyop.
Just going off my research, without me stating my own conclusions.Before Roswell there was a pilot. I thought he was military. Guess not. But he said he saw stuff skipping along like saucers in the sky. Fake news said he saw flying saucers and it blew up from there.
This Is Why People Think UFOs Look Like ‘Flying Saucers’
June 24, 1947: Kenneth Arnold makes the first widely reported UFO claimtime.com
That may be and I've linked UFO sightings recorded in history going back to the ancient Egyptians, many have also said they saw wheels and orbs and other circular objects in the sky. But normies didn't know that and it wasn't until that 1947 sighting mixed with Roswell and then sputnik which actually got people really interested in what's in the sky.Just going off my research, without me stating my own conclusions.
1946-48 Operation Highjump (privately funded) encountered discs, well before the first mainland "ufo crash" in the New Mexico incident. That was a few years before Roswell.
And before Roswell, the naval fleet had encounters off Antarctica with disc shaped objects in a few skirmishes during Operation Deep Freeze 1,2, and 3.
Indeed.That may be and I've linked UFO sightings recorded in history going back to the ancient Egyptians, many have also said they saw wheels and orbs and other circular objects in the sky. But not miss didn't know that and it wasn't until that 1947 sighting mixed with Roswell and then sputnik which actually got people really interested in what's in the sky.
i have no proof of some military psyop. its just my slight conspiratorial nature to connect our cold war operations to compete with the russkies in nazi tech and taking advantage of the "organic " birth of modern UFO sightings. strange shit in the sky has been observed and sometimes even venerated since the dawn of man, but it was never a thing til after ww2. up until the cold war when you saw something weird in the sky, it was just "hey, wtf is that?" it was never. "oh shit its a spaceship from Mars!". that was crackpot territory. im just saying its a huge coincidence this all started when it did and its something i dont believe is a coincidence at all. in fact i can say with 100% certainty that our military/government either took advantage of the UFO movement or they invented it to begin with. i lean heavily in the invented it column.Ok, but I still don't see some overarching government conspiracy to fuck with people here. I see, at best, the government coming up with a name, Unidentified Flying Object. Which just recently got rebranded to UAP. It still doesn't imply anything extraterrestrial at all, it's just Unidentified or Unknown.
And Roswell or these other incidents you guys are linking, I still don't see where anyone in the government said aliens. Military and private citizens alike encountered things they could not explain, many of them disc shaped. At that point there are two choices: it is aliens, or it is something someone on Earth developed and wants to keep secret. If the govt never said aliens, then it isn't their fault if people just assumed that. It isn't some psyop.
I'm not seeing the connection between the govt saying it is unidentified and them pulling a decades long psyop. I see people making their own decisions to go with the more extraordinary claims without any prompting at all.