Funny you mention that.So I am currently researching and writing a 30 minute Bigfoot horror short.
Anyone here got any really good Bigfoot documents, films, stories, pics they find creepy or just interesting? I've done lots of basic research but I know some of you weirdos spend a lot more time on the internet than I do and come across stuff I might have missed.
I was at a buddy's for a BBQ on Saturday and there was a neighbor wandering around his property. He sauntered up and told us he saw big foot last night.
The guy was clearly not all there. Mid 50s, had no teeth, a vacant look in his eyes. Besides that he had two striking features, one was his tongue had a green film on it, and the second was that his fingernails were grotesquely wrapped around his fingers. Like, the cuticles were touching his skin halfway down his fingertips. I thought about looking up to see what kind of disease that is related to but am getting skeezed out just thinking about it.
He showed us a pic on his cell phone of a "big foot track" that was just a bunch of mud and sticks. He said some scientists were coming out, I asked if it was the feds or from the university and he just said, "It's the big foot people.".
The area is rural, but mostly farmland. There's only like, ~20 acres of contiguous forest that he's sure some ten foot beast who probably needs 3000+ calories a day of food to survive. I tried to impress how unlikely The idea that big foot could hide in a small patch of forest surrounded by farmland and houses seemed totally reasonable to him.
Anyway, he said he was going to be up all night with his gun sitting right near my buddy's house with his rifle and a spotlight.
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