Potato del Grande
- 19,861
- -10,468
Video wasn't about DNA, it's about art and I said last time you brought this up that people getting carried away on ocean currents is credible - not trade routes actoss the Atlantic though.i didnt make up the DNA found in South Americans from other continents like Australia or Asia or the negroid statues found in South America or the legends of white people visiting central america or red headed white people living on Easter Island or jamaica before Columbus. i didnt make up the norse discovering north america and founding a colony long before Columbus. i didnt make up the ancient egyptian hieroglyphics found in Australia. or the New World items found in places like Ancient Egypt.
all those things are documented, i am just piecing it all together to come to the conclusion that the known world is much more advanced and more well known than we once gave it credit for. 20 years ago, civilization was said to have started 4500 years ago. now the date has been pushed back to 11000 or more years ago. as more evidence is uncovered the academia gate keepers will have to revise their narrative. its a slow process. maybe in a hundred years they will admit that maybe Man has always been smart as fuck and we cohabitated with more advanced species of humans who were smarter and likely much stronger than we were.
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