That is exactly what I was doing over those 4 days. If I wasn't such a gentleman, I'd show you the pictures...Come on,Bandwagon is too busy flying his fuckin drones and playing with weird but hot PDXers.
That is exactly what I was doing over those 4 days. If I wasn't such a gentleman, I'd show you the pictures...
We have a pretty good idea of what you would need to travel faster than light, I don't think it's beyond reason a civilization more advanced than us could master it. If you go faster than FTL you can arrive before you left. If they have anti grav tech, it would imply they are already capable of FTL, as manipulating gravity is effectively the same as manipulating time.
I recommend people read Jacques Valles work, he dives into the history of ufo like encounters and the patterns go back as far as recorded history.
Passport to Magonia: On UFOs, Folklore, and Parallel Worlds : Jacques Vallée : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Passport to Magonia: On UFOs, Folklore, and Parallel Worldsby Jacques Vallé
Supposedly consciousness plays an important role in UFO activity, the more we talk about it, the more it happens. The 50s was alight with saucer talk and the whitehouse got buzzed at its peak, and we're talking about it more and more now and we're seeing a similar uptick in activity. The CIA tricked everyone into believing it wasn't happening, now the cats out of the bag so it it'll be interesting to see what happens. Provided we don't blow ourselves up.
He does. The way he structures his videos is he covers all the urban legend details then in the latter half he presents the debunking info. There are still many details that are puzzling about this one, though.
Also, you're missing out. He is NOT some crackpot conspiracy theorist.
She is not unpleasant to look at, or listen to. She doesn't come across as a 'crazy', but also not 100% vanilla.I haven't watched that, and won't, but please tell me that it mentions somewhere in the video that it is a tarp/fabric/sail from a previous craft. Because that's exactly what it is. It hasn't been there for 13000 years, and if that video is claiming such, they are either purposely leaving it out or they did absolutely zero real research.
Also, that series of videos above that ToeMissile linked...Liv Boeree looks pretty fucking hot. Is that video just some general thoughts type stuff, or does it go full on Lazar nuts? Because on the one hand I'm interested to hear what rational people think, and on the other if she believes half the stuff people here do, it is likely that butt stuff is on the menu!
Initially I was annoyed but quickly became enamored. It's pretty funny, actually.I was really liking those WF videos until that fish starts talking, wtf was he thinking with that?
Initially I was annoyed but quickly became enamored. It's pretty funny, actually.
This one is fascinating. I've never even heard of the Black Knight satellite.
I'd like to wrap you in a blanket and shoot you into space.This is the 3rd time we've been through this, it's a discarded space blanket from a space walk, I think it was even the day before the photo was taken.
There's footage of the space blanket being lost and it's the same shape.