Are you laughing with me or at me? Because your boy Lue (who the fuck spells their name like that??) associating with Logan Paul is like just flat out admitting he's a shyster.
Hey, maybe LP is genuinely intellectually curious about the whole UAP thing, and not a complete piece of shit. Stranger things have turned out to be true?Are you laughing with me or at me? Because your boy Lue (who the fuck spells their name like that??) associating with Logan Paul is like just flat out admitting he's a shyster.
Have you watched literally anything Logan Paul has ever done? He's a disingenuous scamming piece of shit loser faggot that probably voted for Kamala.Hey, maybe LP is genuinely intellectually curious about the whole UAP thing, and not a complete piece of shit. Stranger things have turned out to be true?
Yes, that was the joke/comment.Have you watched literally anything Logan Paul has ever done? He's a disingenuous scamming piece of shit loser faggot that probably voted for Kamala.
You hate him because he's a rival to your scamming schlock. I hate him because he has hair, and had no reason to be handed a title run. We are not the same.Have you watched literally anything Logan Paul has ever done? He's a disingenuous scamming piece of shit loser faggot that probably voted for Kamala.
Huh?You hate him because he's a rival to your scamming schlock. I hate him because he has hair, and had no reason to be handed a title run. We are not the same.
So I was having a think about all this UAP stuff. I'm mostly guessing that UAP are tech from older civilizations that maybe survived underground or are extradimensional.
If I am wrong and these "craft" are from other systems, then there could be a strong reason to keep everything very secret. There is a good fermi paradox great-filter I've been thinking about:
If propellant-free propulsion is ever developed and becomes reasonably accessible, this becomes an extreme risk of an individual or small group deciding to destroy the planet. A good sized boulder striking earth at a good chunk of C would liquify the crust. Something a bit bigger would shatter earth into a new asteroid belt.
So there would likely be a very dangerous period of a few hundred years in every civilization's path where either behaviour must be controlled, or access to the tech heavily restricted. There are a lot of people out there that would press a big red "end humans" button if given half a chance.
Theres just no way to tell, but if we're going off what you're theorizing and using what we know - In that, there are over a million possibilities in our galaxy alone for a planet in the goldilocks zone, with running water. So there is a high probability that there is at least Jurassic level life existing somewhere on some planet. Also, that anything above light speed is still relatively high up on the tech tree if not impossible. ... Then we could assume that life exists on a planet like Cenatauri, and that its just not worth it for a civilization to travel further than their own solar system.There's also stuff like how entering warp (speed of light) while inside our atmosphere would completely disrupt the atmosphere / magnetic field and probably wipe out all life from the gamma radiation.
I've had a theory for a long time that something like this happened to Mars and the 5th Planet (the one that's now shattered into a million pieces). Their technology got too advanced and they just annihilated themselves. Maybe even annihilated each other. Maybe civilization spread from one to the other and they grew apart over time and eventually became like two different species and engaged in a conflict.
Who the hell knows, really. Earth might be the 4th world we've colonized. Maybe humans ruined Venus too. Venus was likely a more perfect version of Earth at some point before it got trashed, then Mars and Planet 5 eventually got trashed, now here we are.
Earth was probably always viewed as the "last choice" because of how hostile the planet was for a long time. Giant lizards, constant volcanic activity, constant ice ages. Once humans ran out of other options they showed up here, and then boom, annihilation of their home worlds with the same technology that let them go between worlds to begin with.
That's probably why we have all these ancient legends of "sky people" showing up 230,000 years ago or whatever it was and cross breeding with Earth's 60 IQ native people to create modern human.
But yeah, I have no goddamn idea what or when or how any of it happened. If a small amount of humans did come here from somewhere else that had blown up, I wonder what happened to the ark they got here on.
Theres just no way to tell, but if we're going off what you're theorizing and using what we know - In that, there are over a million possibilities in our galaxy alone for a planet in the goldilocks zone, with running water. So there is a high probability that there is at least Jurassic level life existing somewhere on some planet. Also, that anything above light speed is still relatively high up on the tech tree if not impossible. ... Then we could assume that life exists on a planet like Cenatauri, and that its just not worth it for a civilization to travel further than their own solar system.
Why? Whats the point? Even at our civilization level, we can produce more electric power than we actually need if we concentrate on it, and our solar system can provide more materials than we'll ever need. Most of which, we can transmute into other materials and break them apart again. The only reason we dont do so is because we dont have the power to do so. Because.. we dont need to out of their abundance. We could say to explore, but its a one way trip and that data would take months, if not years, to get back at best. Even then, what.. we found a planet made of antimatter? We found a planet made of Gold? Diamond? ... Even if we found the rarest material on earth in abundance - how are we going to get it back to earth in any type of reasonable time frame? Especially under the cost load that it would take to get there, mine it and send it back.
So it wouldnt be too far fetched to theorize that we once lived on Mars, or this theoretical 5th planet or both. We sent a probe to Alpha Centauri, immediately found hostile life, and they sent a planet destroyer back at us. We would see our doom coming at us, possibly for years. So it isnt like we wouldnt have time to pack emergency colonization missions to go to different planets in hopes of survival. Or we were the aggressors and we lost. Who knows in this wonderland of theory.
The only disappointing aspect out of all of this is realizing that there just isny any feasible reason for us to travel outside of our own solar system. What we can fully expect within the next 100-200 years, if humans continue to go in the same trajectory and we, as a species, arent locked down by the "dark ages" of technology - is that I think we'll have our very own "Belters" within our solar system, eventually. Since Mining "IN" space, not on a planet, will be far more realistic.
Sorry, parachuting in so it's probably been covered, but it seemed like a good excuse to bring up Elon's question about whether or not we'll be ahead of our current state of technology in 100 years (which I think should generally get much more attention). I think we've gotten to a point where people simply expect advancement for the sake of advancement, and that seems like a terribly unsafe assumption to me. There are so many things that can go wrong, and each technological advancement increases those in number, scale, and ease. When we think about the time from manned flight to the (theoretical) ability to put a human on another planet, it's like 50-100 years, which really just stretches the limits of the imagination. I imagine we could have a Mars colony today, if we'd put the resources behind it a few years ago. But how long until it could be self-sustaining in a manner that wasn't horrifically fragile? Not even considering war, can that happen before advancements enable a lone genius to end humanity (or at least advancement) via AI/CRISPR/replicant/whatever? And even if so, how many of those situations will a minor space-gap stop?What we can fully expect within the next 100-200 years, if humans continue to go in the same trajectory and we, as a species, arent locked down by the "dark ages" of technology
Kind of the wrong thread for this doomer shit, but here it is in spoilers.Sorry, parachuting in so it's probably been covered, but it seemed like a good excuse to bring up Elon's question about whether or not we'll be ahead of our current state of technology in 100 years (which I think should generally get much more attention). I think we've gotten to a point where people simply expect advancement for the sake of advancement, and that seems like a terribly unsafe assumption to me. There are so many things that can go wrong, and each technological advancement increases those in number, scale, and ease. When we think about the time from manned flight to the (theoretical) ability to put a human on another planet, it's like 50-100 years, which really just stretches the limits of the imagination. I imagine we could have a Mars colony today, if we'd put the resources behind it a few years ago. But how long until it could be self-sustaining in a manner that wasn't horrifically fragile? Not even considering war, can that happen before advancements enable a lone genius to end humanity (or at least advancement) via AI/CRISPR/replicant/whatever? And even if so, how many of those situations will a minor space-gap stop?
Is that even doomposting though? I'm not sure any of that is even debatable. I guess the question will be to what extent all of that hinders further advancement. I guess it will depend greatly on the attitudes of those nobles in the next few decades. Hopefully those from our generation grew up seeing and expecting the same continual advancement that we did and will work towards that end as the previous nobles die out. Hopefully Musk stays the path and manages to inspire the younger generation as well.Kind of the wrong thread for this doomer shit, but here it is in spoilers.
What I meant by technological dark ages is that we're going through a period where surveillance is getting to the point that its extreme. Where things 10 years ago would have cost significantly more to capture the same amount of information at a relevant speed. So in 2014, regular surveillance cameras were the "standard" in capturing data. Often times the data was grainy, and hard to make out. Satellite captures from the other side of the world would take several minutes to get to the US. Now, fast forward to this point. We have live feeds from satellites and drones over Ukraine that have roughly 110ms latency. I've played games with more latency than that. Those old cameras that used to record us on every block? Replaced with HD cameras that have facial recognition software. Vehicle Plate Scans that are tied to a database. All of our data is harvested to know exactly what we're doing, when we're doing it, what we're interested in and more.
Doomer? Sure, we can say that. But we've already seen where news stories can be swept under the rug in a matter of minutes. Delisted from platforms across the web. Theres wars raging in Eastern China / NW India, atrocities galore through there spreading up to Mongolia. Ukraine. Wars in multiple parts of Africa, civil or similar. Then the entire region of the middle east. Never mind the guerilla warfare thats happening in parts of South America. We dont even know the stories of whats going on these places. Why these battles/skirmishes are even happening. Etc. How long did it take for President Trumps 1st assassination attempt to be swept under the rug? We couldnt even get an accurate story the first day it happened "Loud Fireworks."
Things in that vein are only getting worse and that is where my concern lies and it should lie with everyone else, as well. Hell, our own government is full of would-be Nobles. Insanely rich in comparison to the average, every day man. It was already extremely unlikely that a Plumber from the boondocks would be able to reach those heights. But now we're so far away from that possibility that we have a fucking air head blowing over a billion dollars to run for president. With direct interference from the rest of her party, in order to keep a populist democrat from running.
We'll fly further and further into the future with technology, I think. But LLM's are a direct result of surveillance. We've had all this data at our fingertips that has only gotten more and more vast. LLM's are now being trained off of it to be able to read and use that data. We are that data. China is the best example of this, as there will be no dissenting opinion allowed.