FBI confirming something so quickly these days just makes it more suspect.
Especially when you consider the "China" narrative could help the deep state in multiple ways.
1. If its not actually China but some sort of NHI and they want to keep kicking the disclosure can down the road, this gives them the alternate story they need now. Or, if they really were our own drones searching for nukes or something they'd probably rather have the China story out there (from this another source).
2. The China story gives more ammunition for increasing defense spend as well of course...
Maybe it is China /shrug. But the FBI confirming this makes the narrative even more suspect.
Also the war crimes portion of the email seemed to partially blame all that, if it did happen, on the "administration" (Trump's) - I'm sure the feds and all would love to try pinning war crimes on him in addition to all the other bullshit.