Depends on if you have somewhere to bug out to, and are willing to do so before everyone else bugs out.if you live somewhere where your only survival choice is to "bug out" vs isolating and guarding your property, you're already dead
Depends on if you have somewhere to bug out to, and are willing to do so before everyone else bugs out.if you live somewhere where your only survival choice is to "bug out" vs isolating and guarding your property, you're already dead
Depends on if you have somewhere to bug out to, and are willing to do so before everyone else bugs out.
if you live somewhere where your only survival choice is to "bug out" vs isolating and guarding your property, you're already dead
This.Yep. And if you leave the cities after the zombie apocalypse hits hard then you will be running into the barrel of a gun.
All of that fly over country is well armed and they would love for an excuse to give it back to the people who have been laughing at them all of these years.
If things get so bad that you need to flee your home, rednecks will probably get you unless you really know what you're doing. That's one of the main reasons I had a thermal scope as one of my high priorities in my first covid prep post. Bit pricey, but extremely useful in that situation.
I’m not a prepper, but Italy quarantining the entire county was a head turner. I’m a bit of a minimalist by nature, so prepping/hoarding is not my default setting.
Any fohbros got some pointers for a solid premade go bag? I figured I could start there, and work myself up to the whole guns n ammo in a bunker thing.
I’m not a prepper, but Italy quarantining the entire county was a head turner. I’m a bit of a minimalist by nature, so prepping/hoarding is not my default setting.
Any fohbros got some pointers for a solid premade go bag? I figured I could start there, and work myself up to the whole guns n ammo in a bunker thing.
my shortening probably needs to be refreshed, it's only been used to season cast iron, maybe i'll just make a big batch of buttermilk fried chicken for a cheaat dayOK... Let's reel it back from all you Bear Grylls MF'rs in here a sec with a far more practical tip for food accumulation.. here we go....
You can, in fact, use shortening (i.e. Crisco) for almost everything you normally use butter for cooking (i.e. baking, etc...) And it keeps at room temp for years. It costs less than butter, and lasts longer without cold storage. I grew up with a grandmother who used it in all her cookies, biscuits, etc instead of butter. Here's what is essentially her biscuit recipe except she would use evaporated milk (another thing you should be accumulating for your long term pantry.)
Basic Biscuits
This biscuit recipe is easy to make from scratch for delicious homemade biscuits that turn out perfectly soft and flaky on the inside every
It's all fun and games until you get caught out in a nuclear disaster without youras always i provide
this is a nice consolidated list i follow, and you can print it out easily on one page (as a checklist)
note if you take everything "essential" you'll need at least a 40l bag, i've given up trying to fit everything in that and have gotten a super nice hiking bag. yes my first thought was, i should pack small, but then it's just not practical to "bug out" in a fucking bivy bag (it's basically a shit hits the fan sleeping bag) so i HAVE to have a semi decent 3 season sleeping bag, and then i HAVE to have a sleeping pad... not for comfort mind you, but to create an air barrier, the earth will suck away heat at night, just walk on cold concrete barefoot to see.
That's the incessant flow of bullshit from all his fences.You live on swamp land?
We just had a massive rainstorm. It'll clear up quickly.You live on swamp land?