Well I think if you're really serious about being prepared for some kind of societal breakdown, getting out of the city has to be step one.
Drilling wells is serious business though. Around here they cost about $45/foot. Pretty affordable if you're just going 100 feet, but you might be going 1000 feet depending on your water table and there is such a thing as a dry hole which the drillers will not refund your money for. The well driller can probably give you a rough estimate of well depth in your area but there's no guarantees. If you're really going to do it, finding out about the prospects of drilling a well or buying a property with a well on it already would definitely be things to consider before you buy. There's an area near me where somebody broke up a big ranch into unimproved ranch-ettes and more than a few people have bought them and moved their trailer out before finding out that their options for water are to haul it from town or pay $50-100K for a well.
As far as getting it without electricity goes, solar pumps are pretty affordable these days. I pump water for cattle from 3 different wells using solar pumps and I'll be adding more in the near future. The oldest one I have is 11 years old now and it has worked flawlessly. Also, solar works extremely well in the desert. The more sun you have and the lower latitude you're at, the better they work.