Eh. I live on an old farm from the 1800s. About three miles of forest between myself and the nearest paved road, which is then about 17 miles to the nearest major road. Bordered on three sides by state gamelands (500+ acres in two directions, only like 48 in the other).
Four wells, two with hand pumps, three are safe for human consumption, oldest one goes dry in a major drought, but the others are deep enough that it would have to be catastrophic.
I already grow more vegetables in a short season than my immediate family (4 people) can consume in an entire year when you take into account canning/root cellar storage. Potatoes, green beans, peppers, eggplants, kale/cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, and sunflowers. Even have an old windmill (1970-ish) that used to be used to grind grain/seed, that can be put back up in a day or two of labor. Corn can be done, but it is a bitch that depends too much on a long summer, so I have never really bothered since my pops passed 15 years ago.
I keep a flock of chickens, a few turkeys, and usually a pair of heffers every other year. Supplemented with hunting (fowl, small game - except rabbit, deer, and bear), the only thing I tend to buy is pork - but with all of the hippies getting into this shit, I usually do trades at the farmer co-op or one of the numerous markets that pop up all the time. I buy a couple 50lbs bags of salt a few times a year. Have a few huge bins of staple carbs that we eat (beans, rice), cycle through them every few months.
I also have a 'bomb' shelter that was retrofitted in the 90s to 'prepare' for Y2K. Enough room for six people to survive for an extended period, access to two of the wells pumps, four different air filtration entrance points.
Most of this shit I inherited from my crazy grandfather, but I have kept it up, 'just to be safe'.
On the other hand, despite having 'lived' rough for the first 20 years of my life, I am so comfortable that I do not think I would want to survive an apocalypse. Could I? More than most. Would I want to? Unlikely. Would just keep on until my immediate family was safe or already gone.