The Purge (2013)


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Considering the preview shows a neighbor (in a high income neighborhood) out in his yard sharpening a machete... I think you're over-thinking it. Besides, if all bank networks, bank vaults, databases of all kinds, etc, are literally turned off... hard to steal money or mess with other records. Besides, if you DO figure out how to make off with a big score, what's to stop the victims from hiring a few dozen people to take you out the next Purge. /shrug I dunno, I'm sure there are things I'm not thinking of, but it seems like many of the concerns posted here aren't hard to overcome.

I'm curious to see just how far the writers have thought this through. Assuming it's not 99% slasher flick, which would be highly disappointing.


Gunnar Durden
No, I got the vibe he wasn't just some randomly chosen victim. Like maybe he knows something about corruption within the purge or something. Something he knows if it got out would stop the entire thing dead in it's tracks. If you're allowed to randomly kill people you don't need masks.

That said, I want to be the guy that runs the company that sells the shit to protect the houses. He's got to be the Bill Gates of that world.
Yeah, something like this. This guy is very important for some reason and it will try to be a clever plot twist that fails.


Buzzfeed Editor
Later edit: Or it's a way the government created to let the animals take care of themselves...FUCK I'm over thinking this.
With the way they are saying 1% unemployment ect, (And frankly the name "purge") they will probably just explain it as a State of Nature/survival of the fittest. The weak were killed long ago in previous purges. Banks who could be robbed, long ago collapsed because they were brought down on purge night. The only banks left are like fortresses, with loyal armies, and armored robots, to kill anyone who fucks with them on purge night (Entire industries could be set up just defending people on purge night.) for example.

In essence, only the strong, cunning and incredibly ruthless have survived. This society has become the modern Sparta, everyone left is a terror to be fucked with. That's why that group probably picked the black guy, he was poor and vulnerable and hence, going to be "purged".


this x2

the whole idea of this movie is fucking retarded. it's just a random idea for another thrilled/semi-horror movie. Nothing else. It's not Citizen Kain
Maybe it's just fun to hope for a movie that takes an extremely complicated idea and covers all the angles, as pointless as that might be. And I don't remember Citizen Cane being that complex. Once you knew the twist, everything fell into place.

Which this movie may do, either making it very intelligent in the end, or a stupid, lazy resolution.


Vyemm Raider
The basic premise of the movie is flawed (and retarded). People don't commit crimes because they need a "release". And if for some reason they did, I seriously doubt 12 hours a year would be enough.

Mythas 5thboardnow

Silver Knight of the Realm
Eh, I dunno. Over time people can build steam and maybe that one night a year where you can kill some one to let it all out is cathartic enough. It also turns into a mexican standoff kinda thing. Hey man, you pissed me off...just remember next week I can legally kill your ass with no reprecussions.

So I guess I can kinda see it working in movie land, which we have to remember this is. I mean you must not enjoy many movies if you want all of them to be perfectly logical and make sense.


Eh, I dunno. Over time people can build steam and maybe that one night a year where you can kill some one to let it all out is cathartic enough. It also turns into a mexican standoff kinda thing. Hey man, you pissed me off...just remember next week I can legally kill your ass with no reprecussions.

So I guess I can kinda see it working in movie land, which we have to remember this is. I mean you must not enjoy many movies if you want all of them to be perfectly logical and make sense.
True, but it's also fun when movies can provide an entertaining thought provoking experiment. I mean it got all of us thinking/talking about the logic of it, hopefully the movie will continue that and answer some questions while giving us 2 hours of fun. All you can really ask for in a movie.


Vyemm Raider
Eh, I dunno. Over time people can build steam and maybe that one night a year where you can kill some one to let it all out is cathartic enough. It also turns into a mexican standoff kinda thing. Hey man, you pissed me off...just remember next week I can legally kill your ass with no reprecussions.

So I guess I can kinda see it working in movie land, which we have to remember this is. I mean you must not enjoy many movies if you want all of them to be perfectly logical and make sense.
I never stated or implied that I expect perfect logic in movies, there's no need to exaggerate my statement to support your argument. What makes a movie like this interesting is if it's got some basis in truth. They not only state the belief that humansneedto commit crimes, but that they can control that need at will, as long as they are allowed to cut loose one day a year. I just have a problem with lazy fucking writers that will shoehorn in some bullshit like this to support their plot, rather than take another 10 minutes out of their life to come up with something a little more plausible.

I also don't get everyone's focus on murder, even the kid in the trailer asks his parents if they are going to kill someone (or something to that effect.) All crimes are legal, not just murder. What's more likely, the day comes and you steal a new sportscar, tv, fucking couch etc., or you decide to kill someone who mouthed off to you in line at the bank? Or just kill some random fuck, because you can? Although, in a society like this, it's hard to imagine being able to steal anything, all stores/companies number 1 focus would be security/protection for that one day, unless they want to give away all their inventory.


Molten Core Raider
If movies have taught me anything, that means he will have super powers and/or a divine guardian and become king of the world.


Maximum Derek
<Bronze Donator>
Rise from your grave!

Saw this tonight. Enjoyed it. We were drunk, so no over think. It was a good flick to watch.


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
I saw it a couple nights ago too. It was predictable, but decent.

You know what I'm fucking sick of these days, though? Every fucker is conveniently a ninja in movies and TV. It totally throws me out of tense situations when some random asshole with a weapon can move silently for long periods of time and magically know the layout of a house or building that he's never been in before. Drives me up the wall.


Legalizing crime for 12 hours a year is an interesting premise, but the idea that most people would be willing to kill others as some form of catharsis is lame as fuck.

Asshat Brando

Potato del Grande
Legalizing crime for 12 hours a year is an interesting premise, but the idea that most people would be willing to kill others as some form of catharsis is lame as fuck.
Just because in this "theoretical" realm all you're boyfriends and you would be the first to go doesn't automatically mean it's lame as fuck. Try not to be so selfish when thinking of these things.


The premise was retarded as shit, but the movie was alright, I guess.

Felt there could have been allot more tension tho. Movie felt a little hollow.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Just finished watching it, decent movie. The concept has its flaws, but its not bad.

Its creepy how much the blonde villain guy resembles my brother, he could've pulled off that role perfectly (not to say he's a psycho, but the mannerisms and gentlemanly fucking with people is pretty spot on haha).


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Adebisi Review: Plot holes bigger than Ravven's hooker vagina

Fuck this movie.