They might not fight for no one, but Dondarrion was sent from Ned Stark like xadion said. What happened after that no one knows but apparently they picked up 2 badasses in Anguy and Thoros and they want to stop the war or at least try to defend the lands of Westeros. Tht probably means killing Lannisters or anyone allied with them. It doesnt make sense that Dondarrion would just randomly say "fuck Ned Starks son, lol!".
Not only that but the Lannisters and the Mountain were fucking torturing people by the hundreds apparently trying to pry information from them about the brotherhood. So if they were going to that length to find the Brotherhood, they would be the Brotherhoods biggest threat, so them fighting against the Northmen is not only unlikely but just flat out wouldnt make sense from a war perspective.
.You're banished from the No Spoiler GoT thread for crimes against the unspoiled. Submit to the king's justice or continue to face rehabilitation.
Theon is regretting the decision he made in trying to be Iron Born. As far as the guy that is with him, I'm sure he will reveal who he is fully soon enough, but there has been pretty good hints on who he is.Amazing episode. Still so confused about Theon.
I still haven't figured out the whole "post pic in FSR" thing.I never realized not posting in certain threads was so difficult. Seems like lots of people here find it challenging.
Stannis lost a battle, his forces aren't in shambles. Hell if you want to get technical, House Baratheon sits the Iron Throne. And no, nobody fucking thinks a ruler needs to be a valiant knight on a noble steed. There is nothing valiant about Tywin, he's a fiendish bastard and people love him, although thats probably because he was cast so well.. Joffrey is a spoiled, stupid, cowardly little piece of shit. He doesn't surround himself with people that are allowing him to succeed, he is surrounded by his betters who are doing their best to keep the realm together despite his raging incompetence. He tortures Sansa because he's a sadistic sociopath.I honestly am not trolling with Joff. Everyone seems to think a king needs to be some valiant knight riding into battle on his noble steed and vanquishing the foes on the battlefield. Joffery, at the very least, is surrounding himself with people that are allowing him to succeed. From all points of view it appears like the title of King is effectively his without question. The only remaining threats, as other have said, are not immediate. We have the king beyond the wall and Dany but when it comes to the actual seven kingdoms it seems pretty quiet at the moment. Maybe not the Iron Isles but they've said so little about that place this season who knows. I'm also unaware of this alleged cruelty. So he has Sansa beat on occassion. Yeah she's a bitch and it was a different time. He tries to puff up his chest a bit and is often times struck down by his betters. Well Tywin can talk down to basically anyone in the realm on any day he so chooses. He trolled the hell out of Sansa and Tyrion which I found hilarious since Tyrion is always has this attitude towards Joff so I can't blame him there. The Barathions are in shambles, the North is in shambles, the Lannisters remain. Last time I checked I didn't see King's Landing on fire and the plague spreading so that seems in check. I think that if a king like that ruled England he would be seen in the history books as "pretty decent."
Watch it. Arya Stark is best Stark.Wouldn't mind Arya to die because she's annoying
Must have studied medicine with Aychomo in Columbia to have such a firm grasp on human anatomyWow I've seen plenty of movie violence but that last scene with Catelyn was BRUTAL. No way she is coming back from that one.
u aint spoilin right bra
Yeah, no he was definitely still in the process of dieing and not dead when he warged, he was still struggling against Jon Snow.actually its not a spoiler, because as soon as he died he warged into the hawk, it went right for jon fucking his face up.
I wonder what his prognosis is for this condition:Must have studied medicine with Aychomo in Columbia to have such a firm grasp on human anatomy