The RPG Thread


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Noodle mentioning Valkyria Chronicles the other day got me wondering if anything had been done on the PC version to improve the game. Lo and behold, there is something called"Gallian Crossfire". It's fairly new (August) so I don't feel too dumb for overlooking it until now. Anyone here actually played through the game using it?

Three main things stand out to me after reading the notes:

- Rank rewards are rebalanced accordingly, and it no longer encourages you to finish every mission in 1-3 turns playing like an idiot.

- Rushing will supposedly result in crushing defeat.

- Defense orders got nerfed, and Alicia can no longer just about beat the game by herself.

Those things were probably my biggest complaints about the game when I played it originally. On the other hand, the description and some comments I've read make it sound really fucking hard.


Vyemm Raider
How's your playthrough coming along? Deafening silence when I bring it up.
I've stopped playing. I can't deal with the story levels or all the time I have to spend running around to NPCs across the hub world to manage my characters. Maybe I'll go back to it after taking a break.


I skipped through the entire story - there's somebody here that loves Disgaea stories (I forget who), but imo they're throwaway. The Nether editor allows you to move NPC's, so I moved the assembly and jailer npc's next to the dimension, chara world and item world npc's.


Trakanon Raider
I picked up Tales of Zestiria today but haven't been in the mood to start it up.

About a week or two ago I finished Final Fantasy V for the second time ever. It was better the second time through but still not one of my favorite FFs. The first time I beat the game I just wanted it over with and found a really cheap Mime strategy to kill the final boss. This time I played it legit and Neo-Exdeath sucked. In fact most of the enemies and bosses sucked. A lot of them had really specific strategies to win so it would take a couple of tries to figure it out and then do it. For Neo-Exdeath I also needed some levels and some very specific job abilities. Getting hit by a party wiping spell almost immediately after the transition to Neo-Exdeath sucked. It took me two tries to kill him once I had the abilities and levels to kill the "pod" that cast the party wide wipe spell. The first time I somehow managed to kill 2 of the pods while leaving the last one with a lot of health. No clue as to how that happens but the last pod gains every ability from the other 3 pods when it's the only one left and then goes all out. I died really fast. The final attempt I was much more careful to Break the first pod and then Bahamut the shit out of the other 3 so they all died at the same time.


Toe Sucker
FF5 is the bestttttt

Still debating if i want to pick up ToZ right away, I've already still need to finish ToX1 and 2 hnngghh


Molten Core Raider
In D5 I have my main mage and 4 monsters at max base stats from having all classes mastered + full growth during leveling after a reincarnation. Now starting to grind for 10M stats from the shards/capture extract, think I have 2M done. Kind of annoying because the best stage to mass farm has a Asagi main character that is a lot harder to kill then the masses so it limited my quick kill potential of raising the stars to high.

I took a break and went into some high lvl gear in carnage world since ive basically neglected gear to this point (as far as getting the real good shit or leveling it). Also I identified my 4 main unique's plus 2 generics that I will be building around for the big baal brawls etc. Still loving the game, man a few stars in LOC fucking turns cake walk into "hit for 0" !!! D5 has so many more tactical decisions and customization then other disgaea games combined with streamlining some of the annoying grinds you used to have to do. Definitely love post game, my only complaint is they made fucking sages SO MUCH more efficient for grinds....

BUT TURBO NO ONE SAYS YOU HAVE TO USE THEM......fuck off son! Any true min/maxer isn't going to ignore the best methods to do so but its just dumb to have one class have a fucking global that wipes a map when that isn't traditionally possible. Oh well!! For once I'm developing a full on defensive guy since the guard is actually really powerful in this game. Can't wait to see if he is effective once I finish his max stats.


We're about exactly at the place, power-wise. I'm sure I'll be Saging it up eventually, but I'm actually taking item world slowly and leveling up more characters. Once they've reincarnated once with maybe 10 classes mastered (only Sage and Metallia have mastered all) and get to like 2000 again they'll oneshot a zero-star LoC level 9999 mob easily. And with my stack of 900 statisticians they level to 9999 again within a few floors.

It's slower than abusing Geo Blast, to be sure, but it's somehow less of a hassle.

Thief, Zetta, Pleinair are the ones I'm focusing on atm. I always main a thief eventually, Zetta seems powerful as fuck, and Pleinair - I dunno, but she seems like solid support.

edit: still getting shitwrecked by normal Baal, lol.


Trakanon Raider
Natural Doctrine (PS4) is 70% off currently. RPG strategy like game. I got it now, but only played tutorial so far. Might be interesting.



Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Some weird licensing thing. JRPGs have a lot of that shit when they get localized, but they don't block or try to stop twitch streaming so it makes no sense.
btw, while I was playing about an hour ago a message popped up that said Broadcasting is available while I was in game. Not sure if it just default does it or if the latest small patch enabled it. I don't broadcast anything even though the option is turned on.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
There was also a patch today that removed the JP intro movie, that might have been the reason for the licensing issues.


Natural Doctrine sounded really interesting but unfortunately the metacritic score (53) is about what it deserves. I rented it for PS3 and only got through a few missions before saying fuck it. I expected it to be difficult since they advertised it as the "Dark Souls of SRPGs" but the rules system was just not fun or interesting at all. Neither was the story/characters.

Guessing that's an EU only sale? It's $60 on the NA store. The Halloween sale has started, but nothing special in it for us, especially not relevant to this thread.


Trakanon Raider
Natural Doctrine sounded really interesting but unfortunately the metacritic score (53) is about what it deserves. I rented it for PS3 and only got through a few missions before saying fuck it. I expected it to be difficult since they advertised it as the "Dark Souls of SRPGs" but the rules system was just not fun or interesting at all. Neither was the story/characters.

Guessing that's an EU only sale? It's $60 on the NA store. The Halloween sale has started, but nothing special in it for us, especially not relevant to this thread.
Might be EU only then, it is listed under the October Savings campaign.

Only done two missions so far. No idea if it gets better, going to keep with it for a few more. Kept dying on the second one. Not sure about Dark souls, but it doesn't shy away from killing you. One shot by trolls, one got gibbed by 4 mobs suddenly spawning after opening a chest. Bit random too though. How many blocks to take with your shield doesn't seem tied to guarding at all, just either a hit or miss. On a continue I did exactly the same in one room, and the first time it blocked 5/6 hits. Second time, 1/6 with 4 crits getting through. That level of random certainly isn't part of Dark Souls.


Molten Core Raider
Anyone tried age of Decadence? I'm loving it but it is HARD.
The Age of Decadence on Steam

enormous amount of dialogue, conseqences.. You can play the game many different ways. Play as a trader,a soldier, an assassin or anything else you fancy.

From the makers:
Well, if you want a hardcore, heavy metal roleplaying experience that challenges you, this is the ticket. Otherwise, take a pass. The game is vicious, both in its lack of morality and its merciless systems. If you want to be the hero of a story, run and don?t look back. If you want to be Attia of the Julii or be a power player, this is your RPG.


A Mod Real Quick
I don't buy early access games.

I bought Rust, the only game I bought early access, and I got fucked in the butt by the devs.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I don't buy early access games.
Age of Decadence is out of EA now. Also, there's a demo. Haven't tried it yet myself, but I think I will install it today and try it while I wait for WL2 DC to be patched into a playable state.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
All I want is an announcement that FF12HD is on the way, and it had fucking better be IZJS.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah. I'd like to give FF12 another try. I played through and beat it back in the day but remember very little about it.