The RPG Thread


Trakanon Raider
Has anyone played Trails of Cold Steel (Vita/PS3)?
I like JRPG's, and this one was well reviewed and gets hyped whenever I see Vita game discussion online. My main concern is the amount of missable stuff with the social/timing system. I don't like missing out on things because I forgot to talk to a specific NPC at a specific time, with most games replaying wouldn't be an issue but this one is supposed to be very long. It's kind of the same reason I've been having a hard time getting through Persona 4 Golden. These mechanics stress me out, because I'm always worried I'm going to miss something significant by not speaking to every NPC every single day.
I've played it and enjoyed it. The game is a bit of a slow burn in the sense that Trails series has an emphasis on world building, but it's a pretty great JRPG overall. Characters can be a bit trope at times but nothing too bad, VA work is really well done. Combat is pretty good for a turn based system, game can be pretty tough if you play it on hard.

There are missables in the game, most people do two playthroughs(which you need to do if you want to plat it). There is a pretty good spoiler free guide out there that goes over where all the side stuff/missables are, I can give you the link if you are interested. I played it once with the guide and it was a good choice, you have to decide what side characters you want to spend your free time with to develop relationships. A bit like Persona in that regard.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I did that too, then after finally coming up with the 'perfect' party they pushed out a patch that nerfed just about everything I was using into the ground. I could have carried on with a suddenly pretty terrible character/party, but decided to just shelve it until they got done meddling with things that should have been adjusted prior to release. The other thing about the game I hated is how almost all the NPCs are intentionally gimped in stats for their class, and even worse, get more and more terrible the longer you wait to recruit them (because their level increased to match the player and the AI auto-level makes retarded decisions). So instead of just playing the game you had to beeline straight for NPCs and recruit them while gaining as little XP in the process as possible.

The game itself was great, I just don't like playing a game when it's still getting sweeping changes to its core systems. Waited years to play Divinity OS and Wasteland 2 for the same reason. Looks like Obsidian is still releasing patches fairly regularly and they're far from just being minor bugfixes, so I'll check back in another six months.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
Don't worry about it Noodle. The game is very playable without super min/maxing like Vorph does. When he says 'gimped' you should read it as 'not as overpowered as possible'.


Noodle, one thing to note is that there is a faction quest in the vanilla game that it's pretty easy to lock yourself into a side before you know what you're getting into - don't remember the names but it's pretty much the Knights [of the Crucible] vs People's Militia [The Dozen]. Doesn't make a huge difference, but if you want to get the most out of the story playing the way you want it to - you should be aware.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I'd say "optimized" rather than "overpowered". Obsidian ended up agreeing with the people who told them their NPCs were trash compared to using hirelings anyway, and most of them had their stats redone to at least be competent at their class. Grieving Mother was probably the worst... 17 per and 12 int on a cipher was retarded as hell, and simply swapping them fixed her up just fine.

I see that you can now set an option to have NPCs join the party at level 1 with the correct amount of XP they're supposed to have, and then level them up how you want. That's an excellent change as well.


Molten Core Raider
Not an RPG per se but Romance of the 3 Kingdoms 13 just added english support~! Pretty mixed to shitty reviews when it first came out but i could care less, downloading now as the series goes down in my top 5 gaming series i've ever played for some fucked reason i can't explain so i'll take one more crack at charging Cao Cao 10,000 gold for a alliance and then sending my whole army to take his capital MAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAH


Mr. Poopybutthole
I have spent hundreds of hours conquering China circa Dong Zhuo's rebellion and beyond. Shangyong continues to be the best city in the empire.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I'm waiting on a price drop for that, but want it.

The low reviews were because it released at $90 USD and didn't have English support. I don't think most of them complained about technical problems with the game itself.


Molten Core Raider
Well i made my force tonight, i picked the 2nd scenario since its my first game and a more balanced field is a good start. I like that they have more options to pick to specialize your officers in creation but i HATE the fact you can fucking max your stats with no restriction. BUT TURBO, NO ONE SAID YOU HAD TO!~!! Fuck off, i can't control myself i always want the best! I just like the older games in the series you couldn't do that completely. Its the same reason I quit Grim Dawn after spending a few hundred hours playing it in beta, once the cheat tool came out i fucking couldn't resist and god damn ruined the challenge for me and i could never play it having that option. Dumb i know but fuck me.

Any way i did impose my usual rule that i can make 1 lord and 2 officers for my game and then have to fend for myself. Going to work out and then fucking go conquer china into the twilight hours. This game brings back so many memories, i used to play RTK3 (?) for SNES so much, we had a tent out side of our place in the country and i'd run like 6 long extension cords out to it and moved my TV so i could hide and play it as a kid to avoid farm work haha. Oh the joys.


Trakanon Raider
I am Setsuna releases in 9 hours on PS4 (midnight here) and in 26 hours on PC. Guessing Steam updates is the thing that causes the different release timers?

I have it pre-ordered on PS4 so will try it for an hour or so before bed.


Bought myself a Vita in effort to nurse myself back to my formerly pristine health that was ravaged by the rpg debacle of 2016 (Fire Emblem was a disappointment, Star Ocean was a disappointment, Persona 5 delayed). Anybody have some recs? All I have so far is Soul Sacrifice (which I bought before knowing I shoulda bought Delta) and P4G, but there's probably a dozen more I'm interested in.


Trakanon Raider
Tales of Hearts R was ok if you are into Tales games; it is Japanese audio only though. Trails of Cold Steel was pretty great imo, assuming you don't have a PS3. Ditto Odin Sphere if you can't play it on PS4. Outside of that kinda depends on how much you like anime games.


I don't have anything against anime games. The reputedly superior versions of Diagaea 3 and 4, for example, really pique my interest. As does the Tales game, which I hear is one of the best in the series.

On the tv I try to avoid games with extreme fan service, as it requires some explanation when somebody walks by. On a vita/3ds it's still not something I'm into, but it's fine as long as the game is fun. In other words, yes I'll try Hyperdimension Neptunia because I love rpg's.