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I didn't make it past the monologue and all the generic garbage at the beginning of episode 1.Even my wife has peaced out on this series. Way too gay, way too much box checking.
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I didn't make it past the monologue and all the generic garbage at the beginning of episode 1.Even my wife has peaced out on this series. Way too gay, way too much box checking.
hell was interesting and the battle of wits with lucifer started cool then ended like two 8 years olds trying to one up each other.
I'm really enjoying it, but it is quite ridiculous the amount of woke content. What purpose does it serve?
The amount of gays and genderswaps in this is unbelievable.
Everything you said is true...which makes it funny in a grand way as the whole show is about the God of Dreams...so this panacea of all things woke is admittedly, someone's dream.The story is the only reason i'm actually going to finish watching this entire thing, but you're a moron if you don't see and understand the massive amounts of woke shit being shoved down your throat.
It's not even the gay/lesbian/interracial aspect that even bugs me the most. Look at all the white people in the show - if they aren't gay/lesbian/interracial lovers with someone, they are either serial killing nightmares, regular human serial killers, tongue-in-cheek whitecuck couple with obvious joke name Ken & Barbie, dindu-in-the-basement adopting abusers, etc. Oh, lets change Death to be some witty fun black lady, but guess what - evil ruler of the Realm of Hell, Lucifer Morningstar? Nah, lets leave her white.
It's not subtle, it's very fucking obvious that these changes are more than just little tweaks of the source material. And the problem with not being this subtle, is that it paints a world that doesn't exist. I don't care if this was filed for Europe, Africa - read this part carefully: there is not a god damn place on this fucking planet where gays, lesbians, and interracial couples are this prevalent.
This is nothing new, this is just these faggy woke directors/producers/etc trying to force this shit on us, to try and normalize us. It's one thing when they make their own content, but when they alter previously existing content to try and force the rest of us to believe this is the regular, normal, average way the world is now, it's fucking disgusting, insulting, and to top it off - a complete god damn lie.
yeah the hell duel was ridiculously stupid, jumping from snake to "OH YEAH THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE" in 2 steps lol plus what the fuck is Anti-Life? HOPE? At least I guess he didn't finish with LURVE
also you'd think Lucifer would know the obvious counters to hope - Despair, Entropy, Apathy, lol "anti life" whatever the fuck that is. I don't even understand how you decide someone wins that fight. I wish the original demon did that fight though, it woulda been a monty python-esque scene. "Ant! Horns! Sword! Bigger sword! Even Bigger sword!"
The adaptation to the series itself isn't bad. The endless genderswaps and injections of faggots is just tiring.
The Hell Episode was good, Cain and Abel are good, the John Dee arc is an improvement to to the original. The Hob Gadling arc is done justice.
Not sure why they gender swapped Constantine. Another odd choice.
For Constantine they just wanted to emphasize that this was a different Constantine than had appeared in movies / Arrowverse / animated films etc. There has been a lot of him around the last few years and Gaiman wanted to twist things up just a bit.
I remember when J J Abrams and Bad Reboot wasn't the kiss of death. WTF happened to him? This dude is literally the reverse King Midas. Everything he touches he race and gender-swaps. Also, fuck this dude for using a Non-standard English character in every letter of his name: Ṣọpẹ Dìrísù .