The Secret World


Why is a sub such a deterrent? You buy the game, then should you play it for more than one month, you pay a sub. If you don't like the game, you aren't paying $15 a month for the rest of your life, what the fuck. On release I paid $40 for the game then I paid $15 for one extra month and my play time was enough to play a stack of JRPGs or every Call of Duty campaign ten times each.

This game basically failed because people were such fucking misers that they worried that they might LIKE the game enough to play past the first included month and start paying a sub and then three months later be like "OH GOD THIS SUCKS I WASTED 30 EXTRA DOLLARS" Fucking really? Subscriptions don't even start until after 30 days, that isn't enough time for you to gauge your enjoyment?
Subscriptions are fucking bullshit dude, plain and simple. If I'm paying full box price for a game I should have access to everything in that box for life.No oneadds free content or features on anywhere near enough of a regular basis to justify 15 fucking dollars a month. They never have. It's ridiculous to pay a recurring fee to access a game's content that I already paid for.

From what I've played so far this game certainly fucking is not something I would pay $15 a month for either.

Subs are dying and it's good.


Potato del Grande
Really? 50c a day and you feel obligated to play to get your moneys worth?

Are you constantly downloading shit to make sure your using your internet 24/7?

Are you constantly watching cable TV to get your moneys worth out of it?

Are you compelled to drive your car every day because of the monthly payment?

Its fucking baffling how some people think.
Yeah baffling people don't just burn money, why don't I just set up subscriptions to all MMO's I don't want to feel obligated to play.

You're a fucking idiot.


<Gold Donor>
No one wants you to burn money, I just dont get the "obligation" part. Is it to get the 50c worth every day?


Potato del Grande
So you don't have a steam backlog? You don't have things come up you weren't expecting to take time?

It's not worth 50c a day if I'm doing that for a game I'm not playing, there are too many other options out there.

Most of the games just aren't good enough and aren't providing enough new content to justify a sub. How many MMO's is the sub model working out for?


<Gold Donor>
Subscriptions are fucking bullshit dude, plain and simple. If I'm paying full box price for a game I should have access to everything in that box for life.No oneadds free content or features on anywhere near enough of a regular basis to justify 15 fucking dollars a month. They never have. It's ridiculous to pay a recurring fee to access a game's content that I already paid for.

From what I've played so far this game certainly fucking is not something I would pay $15 a month for either.

Subs are dying and it's good.
Yeah but I dont like certain F2P games nickle and diming your ass to death either. Also I think there is a hefty cost having thousands of people playing together at once.Also the CS thats involved as well so you have an experience which is not riddled with frustration. Maybe not $15 per month, but its definitely a few bucks which then they have to offset somehow through in game shops for RL money it cheapens the whole experience. Everything form letting the floodgates open for thousands of idiots spamming general chat with American Inventor and other profane shit with no recourse, down to having items be purchased from stores for RL money, instead of earning them in game through in game activities and other things such as CS being entirely absent.

I have no problem paying monthly for a game that Im enjoying.


Silver Squire
With how fast a person can usually burn through content, and the pace that new contents are released, there usually isn't much incentive to sub or stay subbed to a game now. At least with a free to play game, people that burned through all the content can set the game aside while waiting for new content. Also, not every f2p game nickle and dime the customers, only the ones with shitty cash shop models, like swtor. I have been playing gw2 casually, and I haven't found a need to spend a dime on that game, aside from the box cost. Suprisingly, gw2 does get new content added on a semi consistent basis, and people that spam inappropriate chat does get suspended/banned.


Potato del Grande
How many MMO's is the sub model working out for?
All of them because even if the game dies off, it's at least making money off of the people who are playing it on the servers that they have to pay for (regardless of if it's sub or f2p the servers and shit still cost money derp).
Why is a sub such a deterrent? You buy the game, then should you play it for more than one month, you pay a sub. If you don't like the game, you aren't paying $15 a month for the rest of your life, what the fuck. On release I paid $40 for the game then I paid $15 for one extra month and my play time was enough to play a stack of JRPGs or every Call of Duty campaign ten times each.

This game basically failed because people were such fucking misers that they worried that they might LIKE the game enough to play past the first included month and start paying a sub and then three months later be like "OH GOD THIS SUCKS I WASTED 30 EXTRA DOLLARS" Fucking really? Subscriptions don't even start until after 30 days, that isn't enough time for you to gauge your enjoyment?
I played Anarchy Online for 5 yrs, payed for 3 accounts, FC neglected AO for years and used all that sub money to build Age of Conan, which burned everyone who bought it, me included. Having dealt with FunCom for years I knew what supreme shit-sippers they are when dealing with their communities (ban happy pricks too). They have zero goodwill left after dealing with them for years. Paying them a sub is only worth it if they actually maintain their games (which they tend not to) let alone add new content. If they want that $150+ / yr, they need to earn it. FunCom has been sayin they are gonna upgrade the graphics and rework the game mechanics for Anarchy Online since the first day I played it, it has never happened in the 9 years since they first mentioned it (they still claim they are working on it). This game failed because FC has no credibility, and has always taken a 'you dont like it GTFO' attitude toward it's customers. I am more than happy to pay a sub if I get something for my buck. But fuck ANY company who can't deliver and tells you to go fuck yourself when you ask them to fix all their broken shit.

That said I enjoyed AO (because of the community more than anything) and I am enjoying TSW, but neither are worth $15 / month. The quality of product just isn't there.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I didn't mind paying subscriptions sometimes due to the ridiculous amount of time I'd spend in some MMOs. That was a long time ago though, times have changed and so have the quality of the games. However, I don't understand some of the mentality of MMOs these days with an all-or-nothing style. You either pay a retarded amount of money, or none whatsoever. I've yet to come across one that asked me for like 2-5 bucks a month. I played the hell out of Guild Wars 2 for months, if they had asked me for a couple dollars, honestly that wouldn't bother me for what I got out of it.

I do wonder how many people are anti-subscription for MMOs, but have no problem dropping 50 bucks a year just to sign into XBox Live, even if they don't use multiplayer.


A nice asshole.
Not sure if bored already or if claws is just terrible. I never die but shit seems to be taking forever to kill.


FoH nuclear response team
I picked this up the other night, where is everyone playing?

Also, how/when do you get to equip a second weapon/skill tree?


Subscriptions are fucking bullshit dude, plain and simple. If I'm paying full box price for a game I should have access to everything in that box for life.No oneadds free content or features on anywhere near enough of a regular basis to justify 15 fucking dollars a month. They never have. It's ridiculous to pay a recurring fee to access a game's content that I already paid for.

From what I've played so far this game certainly fucking is not something I would pay $15 a month for either..
Says the dude who has defended shoveling cash over to MS for Xbox Live which offers*NOTHING*.


Trump's Staff
Subscriptions are fucking bullshit dude, plain and simple.
I don't think that's fair to say. Servers are expensive as fuck to run, man. I agree that they shouldn't be $15, but I don't think anyone would have room to complain with a $5-9.99 sub. Unless you want every online game to have some form of F2P, I don't see how you can justify saying this.


<Gold Donor>
I played Anarchy Online for 5 yrs, payed for 3 accounts, FC neglected AO for years and used all that sub money to build Age of Conan, which burned everyone who bought it, me included. Having dealt with FunCom for years I knew what supreme shit-sippers they are when dealing with their communities (ban happy pricks too). They have zero goodwill left after dealing with them for years. Paying them a sub is only worth it if they actually maintain their games (which they tend not to) let alone add new content. If they want that $150+ / yr, they need to earn it. FunCom has been sayin they are gonna upgrade the graphics and rework the game mechanics for Anarchy Online since the first day I played it, it has never happened in the 9 years since they first mentioned it (they still claim they are working on it). This game failed because FC has no credibility, and has always taken a 'you dont like it GTFO' attitude toward it's customers. I am more than happy to pay a sub if I get something for my buck. But fuck ANY company who can't deliver and tells you to go fuck yourself when you ask them to fix all their broken shit.

That said I enjoyed AO (because of the community more than anything) and I am enjoying TSW, but neither are worth $15 / month. The quality of product just isn't there.
I feel the same way, and was right there with you in AO. I loved the shit out of that game, but I agree, Funcom consistantly shit on their customers.
I feel the same way, and was right there with you in AO. I loved the shit out of that game, but I agree, Funcom consistantly shit on their customers.



Blackwing Lair Raider
This is on sale for 22.50 on Steam at the moment. I want to play it, but does anyone know of anywhere cheaper to pick it up? Otherwise I'll grab it off Steam.