shit! And I just saw galaxy quest again last weekend. He was great in that.You left out Guy Fleeman inGalaxy Quest!
Also, this was great.
Dude I'm watching it for the 3rd time today. Everthing he says after him shooting the girl in the stomach is amazing. Honestly top 5 movies I've seen lol.I took it at face value, Billy was fucked up and did it. How else did he know the "all gray" stuff? And I don't get the impression that he was big on lying to his friends for the most part. Psychopathic and deranged, plenty of omissions, but honest in what he does day.
Also, when he shot at Woody Harrelson's back was hilarious. "I was aiming for his spine!"
Same, I was disappointed to say the leastWalked out of the theater - yawn