Sweet. Needs the 572:Nelson Racing Engines - Twin Turbo Hot Rod SeriesPulled the trigger on this thing today. I hope it's going got at least 10 years in it before it starts breaking down.
So you're the guy that has traffic backed up for miles.Will that make it go more than 15 mph? Cause the steering gets a little squirrely above 12 or so.
LMAO. Lived down the street from a farm. Without fail, everyday when school got out, this guy was sure as shit riding that tractor down the street at the same time. Now in my adulthood, I believe that man to be a troll.So you're the guy that has traffic backed up for miles.
About 186 MPH in that chassis.Will that make it go more than 15 mph? Cause the steering gets a little squirrely above 12 or so.
Lol for real!BrutulTM probably has a 20 inch dick with two heads that spews lava semen.
Guy calls me a fag all day, rides around on a tractor that also slays pussy, and still has time to post on a video game forum. A man's man.
Used restauraunt supply stores call some up and shop around for professional grade stuff cheap.Lol for real!
So figured I'd just post here, rather than starting a new thread, but wtf pots and pans....
Apparently according to the wife, we had another teflon pan start to spew teflon all over her eggs this morning. After 2 years of use. Wtf? I feel I've never seen this happen, and then in the last couple years it's happened twice. One time on a cheap stock pot that started to rub off, and this is what prompted us to spring for a nice set 2 years ago from Bed Bath and Beyond. Now it just did it again, on this nice Calphelon(sp?) set.
So basically it's worthless, and should just go aluminum?