Oh for fucks sake. Hollywood has reached a peak where you can't even make fun of it anymore. It's just plain sad.
So Will Smith is replaced by Idris for Deadshot I assume? I'd wager that is cost more than anything. Will Smith demands top dolla from the Chinese and he barely earns it. I like Idris though so whatever. Is John Cena going to be Crocdude?
I find it funny they kept Viola Davis. She was about the only thing in 2016 SS I didn't like.
So let's see , we get the same Harley but a new Joker.
Looks like same Boomerang and Rick Flag.
Diablo, Enchantress, Frost are missing from old cast list too.
I thought Jay did a good job with Diablo. Whatever. DC sucks ass, maybe even literally the way they have been going.