The Tanoubliette: Pussy Hurt and Delusions or TTPHAD for short.

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I don't dodge shit. I answered it in my first reply but you are too stupid. When I say you have something half right and then explain what you got wrong you should be able to extrapolate which part you got right.
Generally, answering a question by hiding the answer in what you're NOT saying is the least efficient way to answer.

But if you're being honest, then you are admitting that:
- Kinadin brought me into the conversation.
- I was punished for defending myself.

That's what I wanted to know. Than you.

You don't actually read anyone else's posts though.
Bullshit. I read your post. You said I was half-right. Then you suggested that what was happening wasn't "mob rule". I responded to you explaining why that was wrong. You also suggested I was a coward for not posting outside this thread. If I had, I would be RRPed already. What exactly do you think I didn't read?

I am sorry for not catering to your every whim. A hurricane has left me without power, internet, or cell coverage at home. I am just getting some light browsing in while out looking at $5k generators and trying to find ice to pack my freezer.
Don't give me this passive-aggressive shit, man. I never demanded you "cater to my every whim". I asked you a simple question multiple times and you kept not answering it after multiple posts. How long it took you to answer was not a factor. You can take as long as you need to acknowledge me, or you can choose to not acknowledge me, but stop trying to make it sound like I'm being a prima donna for just wanting a straight answer to a simple question.

I will tell you this. If you quote me one more time without leaving in the tag that sends me a notification I will give you that third warning. You know from ignoring my direct instructions last time that I am dead serious so ignore that at your own peril.
Ugh. You know I hate deleting these tags anyway, right? I do it anyway because otherwise people will bitch and whine about being tagged when I quote them. THIS HAS ALREADY HAPPENED. Now you've decided to turn it into a mine field for me because... What, you see it as a personal slight against you? Fine, a_skeleton_03. You have provided yet another hoop for me and only me to jump through. Consider yourself tagged.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Ugh. You know I hate deleting these tags anyway, right? I do it anyway because otherwise people will bitch and whine about being tagged when I quote them. THIS HAS ALREADY HAPPENED. Now you've decided to turn it into a mine field for me because... What, you see it as a personal slight against you? Fine, a_skeleton_03. You have provided yet another hoop for me and only me to jump through. Consider yourself tagged.

Pussy. Show him you don't bow down to bullies.


Cad said:
Pussy. Show him you don't bow down to bullies.
I don't bow down to bullies. But when someone has the power to punish me by crippling my ability to browse the site and is threatening to do so, and we know he'll get away with it, my hands are tied. I have been threatened into compliance, just like we wanted when we separated ourselves from the heavy-handed moderation on Rerolled. Aren't you proud?
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scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I don't bow down to bullies. But when someone has the power to punish me by crippling my ability to browse the site and is threatening to do so, and we know he'll get away with it, my hands are tied. I have been threatened into compliance, just like we wanted when we separated ourselves from the heavy-handed moderation on Rerolled. Aren't you proud?

If you keep tagging a_skeleton_03 in this thread with your replies, I'll give you your third warning. No bullshit.
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Cad said:
If you keep tagging a_skeleton_03 in this thread with your replies, I'll give you your third warning. No bullshit.
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Cad said:
I've gotten guys charged with domestic abuse off by delaying trial until they reconciled or the woman gave up and stopped showing up to settings... case dismissed. It's stupid but it's your job.

Doesn't mean I support domestic abuse. Hate the game, not the player.

Reminds me of when Nungesser was found guilty of sexual assault. Then he appealed the decision, the accuser chose not to pursue it further and... voila! He got off, and his future defenders were able to claim his record was pure as snow.
  • 1Faggotry
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Screamfeeder said:
But once again Lithose, for the 7th or 8th time, please create an argument I never stated and write me a screed against it. You are getting really good at that.
Dude, you have no idea. He's a PRO.


Krugman's Fax Machine
<Gold Donor>
If you asked the board who is hands down the biggest attention whore, I am sure the majority would say Trex,. But Tamponoomba has her beat by miles. Braddah you need to get some friends and a hobby. Or a mental illness support group. Something,.


...Says the guy who comes to my thread in the rickshaw to give me attention.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
, he said while furiously masturbating.
  • 1Worf
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Don't get me wrong, I do love the attention (who wouldn't?), but I've done nothing to warrant it. I just wanna have my say is all, but apparently because "my say" rustles people's jimmies something fierce, they just lose their shit and follow me around like lost puppies, leaving a trail of urine and feces everywhere they go.

Maybe some day you guys will learn how to carry yourselves like adults. I doubt it, but anything's possible.


Pay to play forum
This thread is going places. Top notch entertainment when you skim through it.
  • 1Worf
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Screamfeeder said:
Lithose, buddy. Friend. I admitted I don't know what the fuck I am talking about. I didn't express outrage and I apologize if you're sensitive to the words I used. I apologize if you are so offended.

I didn't know capital gains and the inheritance tax benefited small businesses and farmers. I had no clue that moving money to the Caymens was to the benefit of Joe The Plumber. I deferred to you about it and you STILL went off the rails with shit I will never read or care about because yes, I can afford to not give a shit about it. Consider me educated. Doesn't change the fact that you misrepresented my words to make a point that no one but you was making.

Let's do this a 4th time.

What Trump did with his taxes was legal and I don't really give a shit.

What Hillary did when she was appointed to defend a child rapist was legal and I really don't give a shit.

Do both of those systems need some closer inspection? Yes? No? Maybe? Again, I don't really give a shit.

Will any of that matter? Probably not because you have your idea of what I am and you MUST stick with it.

The Narrative is The Word. The Narrative Must Flow.

This actually goes more to the crux of what I was saying before.

I never said I fucked super models Lithose. You did and I am flattered. You lied for me. You created a false narrative so you could win some points with the troglodytes. However that would be just as much a lie as if I said "Lithose hates jews and rapes children. He said so. Grow up Lithose."

You NEED me to be that person. You NEED me to be that internet try-hard, uncle tom liberal who sold out true progressives because I want to watch my fat femi-nazi "friendzone" girl get a train run on her by alpha dudes that will just grab that pussy. Feels Good Man. Or is it Feels Bad Man?

This is the state of American politics. All Feel's, never Reals.

Rather than actually have a discussion on which policies might be better for the country, it's who scored more points. It's who got the best zingers. It's who got caught in this lie that was more meaningful than that other lie even though it was a lie about another lie that the first dudes lie was in response to.

You're a SJW Cuck.
You're a Nazi Facist.
You're a TRUE Liberal.
You're a TRUE Conservative.

Between those people and the single issue voters and a media that is really only concerned with profits (not partisan hackery despite what other media people tell you) and you now have the two Failure Cascades currently up on the ballot. And it is so easy to just pigeon hole both of them into hyperbolic caricatures.

Do you want blue haired trannies armed with machine guns(last ones left because she took all the other ones) breaking into your home and burning your books and uninstalling Dead or Alive Xtream Beach Volleyball off your steam before putting two bullets in your roommates head because he looked a girl in the eyes once?

VOTE HILLARY because she is LITERALLY doing those things.

That is the narrative that has been created. I don't even have to go into detail about the narrative created around Trump because that is more than self evident.

You are behaving like a basic bitch.

Did you even watch Mad Men? No? You read some article about how Don Draper is a big pussy slaying badass alpha male stomping on the cucks and went with it?

Do you know WHY it won so many Emmys? Because it showed how Don Draper was a weak pussy overcompensating for the emptiness inside him. The entire show was portraying powerful men behaving badly and losing everything for it. Being destroyed because of their hubris. It was about a man crushed under the weight of his horrible choices in life.

THIS is why we can't have nice things. You can't even take the time to read a fucking wiki before posting to try and score "points" for your side.

Jesus. I'm starting to think Scream might be my alt.


Not what I said at all. I didn't "admit" anything of the sort.
What is your major malfunction?

I ask you a question, you don't answer. I ask you again, you don't answer. I ask you again, and you claim you already answered the first time, but that the answer to my question was hidden in what you didn't say in your response. Since your response was about what I got "wrong" and didn't at all mention what I actually asked, I was forced to conclude that what I got "right" was my assessment of what happened. Now you're playing more cryptic word games to try to get out of giving me straight answer. Why are you so terrified of giving a straight answer?

- Kinadin brought me into the conversation, according to your and Khalid's logic. YES or NO?
- I was punished for defending myself. YES or NO?

Take all the time you need.

You are so ignorant of reality it is baffling. You have not been punished for defending yourself by any stretch of imagination.
Yes, that's exactly what happened. Cocksmack took a pointless and meaningless jab at me. I didn't make a federal case out of it, I simply responded in kind with a brief blurb about how spreading false narratives about people is a great way to advertise that you shouldn't be taken seriously.

Then Khalid parachuted in (because GOD FORBID Tanoomba make a single comment outside the shaw without somebody jumping in to make sure he knows it's unacceptable) and started the typical "repeat the lies he's been repeating about me for years" schtick. Why the fuck do I have to take that from him or anybody? Who the fuck am I hurting by defending myself from his personal attacks and rampant ignorance? Why the fuck isn't HE being disciplined for taking a harmless comment and turning it into a huge, pointless derail? Why am I being held responsible for a discussion HE started and actively and enthusiastically kept going? Am I not supposed to respond to people addressing me directly? What the actual fuck?

I'm not the community punching bag, a_skeleton_03. I'm never going to be. The sooner you guys understand that, the sooner you can grow the fuck up and start acting like adults. You don't like to see me defend myself? STOP FUCKING ATTACKING ME.
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