The Tanoubliette: Pussy Hurt and Delusions or TTPHAD for short.

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Buzzfeed Editor
Actually, even if Islam DID exist it could be argued that that would not be considered an insult. See, there's an actual reason to include a drawing of Muhammad there. Context is everything. Heck, well before South Park's "Can't show Mohammed" episodes, they already had aired an episode that DID feature an illustrated Mohammed. He was part of super-powered team of religious icons, his inclusion contextually made sense and there was zero violent reaction from anybody. It wasn't a "fuck you" to Muslims, it was funny satire poking fun at religion in general and it got away with it.

The only suggestion Szlia is making is that intentionally antagonizing people with the sole purpose of pissing them off is not a good idea. How is this going over everyone's head?
He was edited out of that scene in reairings due to death threats, and they were banned by the network from including him again due to the amount of death threats. Does it ever suck to be so wrong?

Also, a Hitler mustache on a medieval slave trading, tyrant, rapist--whose ideology, for some reason, is still worshiped today--seems like contextual criticism. I know, I know Tan--for you, proclaiming a fucking video game should be criticized because it compels players are meant to derive a perverse pleasure from killing virtual NPCs. But some guy that actually wrote rules on how to capture and fuck women, and then give them to immediate family when you're bored? Naa, he doesn't really need to be criticized; that's just being belligerent? AMIRITE?

Tan, if you're nothing else, at least try to be an ideologically consistent troll. I won't respond to you again for a while, so have fun with this.


Poet Warrior
lol didnt read


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
It's like he opened his head and let us have a good look inside. It's terrifying, beautiful and really really painful to read, all at once.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Tanoomba was released like a week plus ago, by me, before I was de modded.

He has simply realized that he belongs here permanently, and that this thread is his safe space, ergo, he won't leave.

Its quite nice, really.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Tanoomba was released like a week plus ago, by me, before I was de modded.

He has simply realized that he belongs here permanently, and that this thread is his safe space, ergo, he won't leave.

Its quite nice, really.
Oh. lol.

Tanoomba, please come out and play with us. We promise to trigger you gently.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
If someone has their avatar back, it means they are no longer shaw'd.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Your avatar pisses me off. I don't know why.
I implied a trigger warning whenever I post. It's a neutral, translucent warning, so if you can't see it that's your fault for not being aware of clearkins and how we communicate. I'm feeling quite triggered by you at this point and the fact you didn't give any kind of warning for your microrape is seriously problematic.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
I implied a trigger warning whenever I post. It's a neutral, translucent warning, so if you can't see it that's your fault for not being aware of clearkins and how we communicate. I'm feeling quite triggered by you at this point and the fact you didn't give any kind of warning for your microrape is seriously problematic.
In my mind, I'm still penetrating you. It's surprisingly good.


Wow, all these posts and only one who acknowledged anything I had to say? I am disappoint.

Lith: "He was edited out of that scene in reairings due to death threats, and they were banned by the network from including him again due to the amount of death threats. Does it ever suck to be so wrong?"

Umm, are you suggesting there wasn't a dramatic shift in how the media treated depictions of Mohammed after cartoonists got killed? I'm not saying I'm OK with the media censoring after the fact, but the fact is a hugely popular TV program was able to show a depiction of Mohammed and not a jimmy was rustled until it became such a hot-button issue. In other words, because it WASN'T done as a "Fuck you, I have a right to do this and you can't stop me with your threats" act, it wasn't perceived as one and there was no extreme reaction.

Lith: "Also, a Hitler mustache on a medieval slave trading, tyrant, rapist--whose ideology, for some reason, is still worshiped today--seems like contextual criticism. I know, I know Tan--for you, proclaiming a fucking video game should be criticized because it compels players are meant to derive a perverse pleasure from killing virtual NPCs. But some guy that actually wrote rules on how to capture and fuck women, and then give them to immediate family when you're bored? Naa, he doesn't really need to be criticized; that's just being belligerent? AMIRITE?"

Nice to see you back to your dishonest ways again. Why are you putting words in my mouth and trying to remove what I said from the context it was delivered and misrepresenting it within a new context I never addressed?

When did I say Mohammed shouldn't be criticized? Please quote me. My whole point is that being an asshole for the exclusive purpose of pissing someone off has never had and will never have anything but negative effects. Holding a "Draw Mohammed" context is a "Fuck you" to Muslims and that makes it a stupid, counterproductive act. Yes, it's legal. Yes, it's protected by the constitution. But it's also a pointless act designed to provoke and anger.

And since you went off on tangent, allow me to correct you: Video games deserve to be criticized because they are an art form that has matured tremendously over the years and continues to mature. People can choose to criticize them from whatever perspective they like, with a focus on whatever aspects they choose. If you think someone's criticism is inaccurate or unfair, you can offer a counter-point explaining where you think they went wrong (many have done this beautifully), you can consider them a waste of your time and deprive them of any more of your attention (an entirely reasonable reaction that would have saved a lot of butthurt had more people chosen it), or you can make baseless, inflammatory personal attacks that don't even address what was being said (a VERY popular choice that led to an unnecessary and completely counterproductive "us vs. them" polarization of a topic that NEEDED to be addressed with more nuance).

Interestingly, the drawing Mohammed issue and the Sarkeesian issue share a common trait: Both have prompted people to defend "acting like an asshole" as a productive and even NECESSARY way to deal with the "problem" when nothing could be further from the truth.


Trump's Staff
Provocations for the sake of provocation do not inherently produce only 'negative' or 'pointless' results. That is an incredibly flawed viewpoint that I'm frankly shocked an adult holds.


Really, Quaid? You're shocked that an adult believes being an asshole is counterproductive? What's your counter-point, then? When has intentionally pissing people off produced positive results?

Neranja: "Boiling it down it's a lot like high school bullying, and all about bossing people around and telling them what to do and think. But nobody wants to admit to be a bully, and so they have to justify it to themselves by "contributing to a greater good." That is also why you ever so often see those "the ends justify the means" type of arguments from them. They really believe that shit, because otherwise they would have to admit to themselves they are horrible people no one wants to have around in their life."

Funny this is pretty much EXACTLY what I'm criticizing the "Sometimes it's NECESSARY to be an asshole" people for. Unfortunately, people tend to have a lot of difficulty recognizing that behavior when it's coming from their "side".


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
yeah tanoomba, the bullies are cartoonists not the religious gangster fascists that control massive oil wealth and use it to literally spread hatred of jews and westerners to billions of people, sometimes I wonder how retarded you are then I see you post in a thread that literally calls you batshit insane, have you no self respect or something? seriously what kind of retard does that.


Mist: "I just posted it as the perfect illustration of Poe's Law, but yes, it is in fact satire."

THAT'S "the perfect illustration of Poe's law"? Why is it that 9 out of 10 things that provoke a "Poe's law!" reaction are clearly and obviously satire to anyone who doesn't assume the worst in other people?

Come the fuck on:

"It?s important that our little dirtbag grows up with a solid understanding of our ideals, which include hanging out at Hot Topic but not buying anything, and suggestively licking at strangers across a crowded Applebee?s."

If anybody reads this and even has to consider the possibility that it's sincere, they need their fucking head examined.


I think we would be better off with a sjw genocide than a muslim one. The results and effect on society would be arguably better.
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