What all have you thought about putting in it, of the Doctor Who stuff? Been thinking about putting either the Silence or the Doctor's fob watch on the under arm area, but I still have to get the main piece finished. Hopefully, I can get it all done before the next Doctor Who convention here (LA) in February.
Okay, here are a few of the pictures that have inspired me with what sort of "feeling" I want my tattoo to have, as my homage to the show, and to the fantastic 15 or 20 years my father and I spent together as I grew up; me holding my breath and hiding from the Cybermen, and him chasing me around the house with a toilet plunger, shouting EXTERMINATE!!! The tattoo, when I finally come up with the design and save up the $500-600 I know it will cost, will go on the leg with my other memorial tattoos for him, to complete the lower leg. At least... that's what I am thinking at the moment. It will probably change. *laughs*
Firstly, I'm not intending on choosing a Doctor's face. With the way they regenerate, I don't want to add a new face every few years

Plus, committing to a face, means committing to an incarnation, and I love them all except 7. *shudder* That being said, I *do like the cameo effect from that drawing, and may consider using my Dad's cameo. It is open for debate.
First group of pics: all a sort of melancholy typical Tardis-and-trinket, except for the cameo and the circle of Ten. I really would like to use that phrase, because I remember how upset I was when Four died, and turned into Five, and I really came to love him. I even met him once, when he was on a promotional tour. I was completely dumbstruck.
The final picture, with the Tardis and the poem, is just there to show a neat picture I liked. I wouldn't use the poem, because, as I said, I don't want to assign faces to it, when it will age well beyond those identities. The Doctor, the persona and character of him, is the only thing that stays. And the Tardis, of course!