The Trayvon Trial

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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
For the record, I never paid anyone $100 to link anything to Rerolled. It was a joke. Once again, my comic brilliance goes unappreciated and punished.

I spent $100 many times on many dumb things, bad handjobs, subpar drugs, 200 bottles of Rolling Rock, experimental protein powder, a no name brand 7" tablet at Best Buy and many more - but even I'm not stupid enough to spend 100$ on Rerolled.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Well technically it was 192 bottles, but I dont know why I just didnt buy 192 cans, or at least buy 192 cans of better beer. Instead I bought one of the worst beers in one of the nicest containers in bulk.

The tablet is still around here somewhere, it stopped working after less than a week


Registered Hutt
It's not like we're BFFs or anything, but it sucks that you have to share time with qwerty. We need several levels of purgatory so we can put y'all on different levels.


Registered Hutt
I promised not to quote you anymore, but I don't recall Araysar asking anyone he dislikes how how often they've considered suicide.
For the record, I never paid anyone $100 to link anything to Rerolled. It was a joke. Once again, my comic brilliance goes unappreciated and punished.

I spent $100 many times on many dumb things, bad handjobs, subpar drugs, 200 bottles of Rolling Rock, experimental protein powder, a no name brand 7" tablet at Best Buy and many more - but even I'm not stupid enough to spend 100$ on Rerolled.
Duh, jokes are not allowed on Rerolled... that's how I first ended up in here.

I promised not to quote you anymore, but I don't recall Araysar asking anyone he dislikes how how often they've considered suicide.
I know you are secretly in love with me. That's why you follow me around, and that's why you are always in this RR section whenever I come here.

And what's wrong with my question? I was just curious. That guy is obviously having major problems to have to abuse his hall monitor powers to such an extent. Come on, even Draegan was never that retarded. I am just curious, maybe I can help talk him down.


Musty Nester
Dude. This is not how you build a legacy. Do you even Bill Clinton?

When someone attributes credit to you in error, if the thing they are attributing to you is a positive you totally take credit for that shit. But you don't go Al "Derpa Derp" Gore and claim to have invented the internet. You just let people believe what they want to believe, when it is to your favor.

Bill Clinton brought peace to the middle east. FACT.
You paid $100 to the bot army to spoof google into pointing to rerolled when searching for racist slang. FACT.

Welcome back. Itsthefinalcountdown.mp3. I don't think you can embed in the shaw.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Dude. This is not how you build a legacy. Do you even Bill Clinton?

When someone attributes credit to you in error, if the thing they are attributing to you is a positive you totally take credit for that shit. But you don't go Al "Derpa Derp" Gore and claim to have invented the internet. You just let people believe what they want to believe, when it is to your favor.

Bill Clinton brought peace to the middle east. FACT.
You paid $100 to the bot army to spoof google into pointing to rerolled when searching for racist slang. FACT.

Welcome back. Itsthefinalcountdown.mp3. I don't think you can embed in the shaw.
I don't want my legacy to be someone who tried maliciously hurt the site because that's not me. What else should I be proud of? An ugly big nosed gorlfriend?

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Yesterday, 07:37 PM #2425
chaos chaos is offline
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Dec 2012
He wasn't RRPd for that, btw. He said that at about the same time he was blowing up for attention all day erry day. It was mentioned by several low level janitorial staff that if this was true and actually impacted the site, he should get a full on foreverban. But more senior custodial engineers informed us that even if this was true, it was meaningless. The final straw for Araysar after weeks of trolling, maybe months, was spamming the FSR with dick pics. He was infracted for that, and I think has about 30 days left on his sentence unless it is commuted.
Never posted dick pics (even though thats not against the rules)

You saw what you wanted to see. See a therapist if that troubles you.
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